

922 bytes added, 06:26, 24 December 2018
Other Names : Garden Marjoram, Gartenmajoran, Knotted Marjoram, Majoran, Majorana Aetheroleum Oil, Majorana Herb, Majorana hortensis, Majorana majorana, Marjolaine, Marjoram Essential Oil, Marjoram Oil, Marubaka, Marwa, Mejorana, Origanum majorana, Sweet Marjoram.<br>People make medicine from marjoram’s flowers, leaves, and oil.<br>Marjoram is a member of the mint species and it was originally found in the Mediterranean. In ancient Greece people would use this plant to make wreaths and garlands as it was used to basically express peace, harmony and happiness.
==Special Precautions of Marjoram==
* Avoid skin contact with fresh marjoram. It can cause eye and skin swelling.
*Menstrual problems.
*Nerve pain.
*Muscle pain: When used in a massage, marjoram can ease the pain of sore muscles. It may also help to relieve other types of pain, caused by inflammation, seasonal illnesses or other causes. This oil has antispasmodic properties, and can alleviate cramps and muscle spasms, making it a great workout companion.
*Promoting breast milk.
*Improving sleep.
*Sore Throat.
* Breast cancer : A study originating from the Middle East certainly has scientists intrigued after noticing marjoram's ability to stop tumors from growing and expanding. Researchers from the United Arab Emirates University tested marjoram extracts on breast cancer cells in mice. It seems that by even using minimal amounts of the extracts, they were able stop cancer cells from dividing and therefore spreading. * Marjoram helps to improve circulation, and may expand the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure as well as the risk of heart attack and stroke.* Aromatherapy : Aching muscles, amenorrhea, bronchitis, chiliblains, colic, coughing, excessive sex drive, flatulence, hypertension, muscle cramps, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, strains, stress, ticks.==references==''Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 56-65.''
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]
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