
Ban Xia

960 bytes added, 15:35, 27 December 2018
/* Benefits and uses of Ban Xia are */
==Benefits and uses of Ban Xia are==
*Dries dampness, transforms cold-phlegm, descends rebellious qi - cough with copious sputum especially due to dampness of spleen.
*Harmonizes stomach, stops nausea, vomiting due to lingering phlegm-dampness in the stomach.
*Dissipates nodules, reduces distension - phlegm in chest or neck or anywhere in the body, focal distention in the chest.
*Phlegm obstruction: pressure, distention in the chest or epigastrium, plum pit sensation, masses, carbuncles, phlegm nodules in the neck (including goiter, scrofula), or other obstruction caused by phlegm anywhere in the body.*Compared to [[Bei Mu]], Ban Xia is more effective for phlegm-damp, while Bei mu is more for phlegm-heat. Ban xia is better at transforming phlegm lodged in the stomach, while Bei mu is better at transforming phlegm in the Lungs. The two are often used together to mutually enhance each other’s therapeutic properties.* Tincture of Ban Xia was effective in treating 95% of cases of acute toothache.* Effective in acute suppurative otitis media.* Ban Xia is always prepared for internal use with ginger, alum, or vinegar. Prepared Ban xia is called [[Fa Ban Xia]]. The ginger-prepared form is specifically referred to as Jiang Ban Xia. That prepared with alum is called Qin Ban Xia. ==Used in Patent MedecineMedicine==
* [[Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan]]
*[[Xiao Qing Long Tang]]
* [[Hui Chun Wan]]
*[[Xing Su San]]
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]
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