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Dyspepsia is the same as indigestion, and it is not a disease. It is the name for a group of symptoms that cause discomfort in the abdomen. Most people with indigestion feel pain and discomfort in the stomach or chest. The sensation generally occurs soon after consuming food or drink. It may make a person feel full or uncomfortable during a meal, even if they have not eaten a large amount of food.
== Symptoms ==
See also : * [[Indigestion]]* [[Bloating]]* [[Gastroparesis]]==Causes==*eating too much or too rapidly*eating fatty, greasy, or spicy foods*drinking too much caffeine or alcohol*consuming too much chocolate or soda*emotional trauma*gallstones*gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach*hiatus hernia*infection, especially with a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)*nervousness*obesity*pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas*peptic ulcers*smoking*certain medications, such as antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)*stomach cancerWhen a doctor cannot find a cause for indigestion, the individual may have functional dyspepsia. This is a type of indigestion without any structural or metabolic disease to explain the symptoms. It may be caused by an impairment of the stomach that prevents it from accepting and digesting food in a normal way.
== Home remedies ==
- *possible symptoms of [[Hypochlorhydria]] or [[Achlorhydria]]<br>- *bring your food on taste with lemon-juice, mustard, pickles, vinegar, ...<br>- *mix fresh ginger in your meak or eat [[ginger]] during or after a meal<br>_ *eating pineapple during or after a meal helps digestion<br>- *eating [[papaya ]] enzymes after a meal helps digestion<br>- *black radish during or after a meal can help digestion*[[Dandelion]] is used as a bitter tonic in atonic dyspepsia*Eat smaller portions of food*try to eat food slower.*Avoid fried food : Baking, broiling, grilling or roasting are all better alternatives than frying.*Avoid fats : make sure to cut off the fatty parts if you can. Foods that are high in fat sit in the stomach longer, which can cause discomfort.*[[Chamomile]] can ease digestive inflammation, spasms, and gas.*[[Xiao Yao Wan]] shows promise as a treatment for functional dyspepsia*[[Chuan Mu Xiang]] is used for food stagnancy.* [[Allspice]] is used for indigestion (dyspepsia).
== Warnings ==
* Can be a sign of a more serious condition.* severe indigestion can occasionally cause the following complications.**Esophageal stricture: Acid reflux can cause indigestion. This is a condition in which stomach acids leak back up into the esophagus and irritate the sensitive lining of the stomach, known as the mucosa. The irritation can scar the esophagus, which then becomes narrow and constricted. People with esophageal stricture may start to find swallowing difficult. Food can get stuck in the throat, causing chest pain. Esophageal dilatation is sometimes needed to widen the esophagus.**Pyloric stenosis: This occurs when stomach acid causes long-term irritation of the lining of the digestive system. The pylorus is the passage between the stomach and the small intestine. In pyloric stenosis, it becomes scarred and narrowed. As a result, food is not properly digested.
== References ==
[[Category:digestive diseases]]
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