
Hui Chun Wan

672 bytes removed, 08:09, 1 January 2019
/* Special Precautions of Hui Chun Wan */
Other Names : Recovery Special Pill
==Special Precautions of Hui Chun Wan==
* [[Zhu Sha]] (Cinnabaris) is Extremely toxic : no longer used, because of its mercury content.* Do not use during pregnancy. Avoid in children experiencing convulsions from deficiency syndromes. This formula should not be taken long-term. As always consult with an acupuncturist/herbalist before use.
*[[Tan Xiang]]
*[[Tian Ma]]
Herb Functions
Calms the liver, extinguishes liver wind from either heat or cold patterns - spasms, tremors, headache, epilepsy, numbness, dizziness, wind-stroke, childhood convulsion, can be used for problems due to heat or blood deficiency.
Extinguishes wind, alleviates pain - headache, dizziness, migraine headaches that occur with wind-phlegm patterns, hemiplegia, dizziness, numbness.
Disperse painful obstruction due to wind phlegm - numbness and pain of the lower back and extremities.
*[[Tian Zhu Huang]]
Herb Functions
Clears and transforms phlegm-heat - difficult to expectorate sputum.
Clears heat and arrests convulsions - spasms, convulsions due to phlegm-heat, especially in children.
*[[Zhi Ke]]
Herb FunctionsMilder actions - move qi and reduce distention (good for weak patients). *[[Zhu Sha]]
Herb Functions
Sedates the heart, calms the spirit - restlessness, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, convulsion.
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