
Custard Apple

68 bytes removed, 07:41, 13 February 2019
/* Health benefits and Uses of Custard Apple */
*The kernel of the fruit is toxic
==Health benefits and Uses of Custard Apple==
*Custard apple appears to possess potent bioactive principles in most of its plant parts (fruit, seed and leaves). In this review, we present only the bio-activities of the fruit pulp. * Based on in vitro and in vivo testing, custard apple fruit exhibit potent anti-diabetic, anti-obese, anti-microbial and anti-cancer properties.
* In Okinawan longevity studies, custard apple was identified as one of the few foods with anti-obese activity. In animal studies, it reduced abdominal fat tissue by about 20%.
* Aqueous extract of fruits of Annona reticulata were shown to be highly protective against chemical induced heart damage of rats. In animal studies, custard apple fruit have been shown to reduce total cholesterol by 46%, triglycerides by up to 65% and the triglyceride/HDL ratio, a major predictor of heart disease in humans by half.
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