
Wild Turmeric

4 bytes added, 17:05, 30 March 2019
Other Names: Curcuma aromatica, musk turmeric, vana haridra, kasturi manjal, pasuppu, Spring Curcuma <br>Curcuma aromatica is one of the species related to common turmeric or Curcuma longa. In the Curcuma family, it is the second most common species cultivated for its rhizomes. This species is rich in volatile oil compounds. C.aromatic has a camphor like odor while C.longa has a spicy sharp smell. Also C.aromatica leaves no stains due to lower curcuminoid content. Curcumin content of C.longa is 10 times that of C.aromatica. The antioxidant capacity of C.longa is higher than that of C.aromatica. The volatile oil content of C.aromatica (4-8%) is higher than that of C.longa.<br>See also [[Turmeric ]] (Curcuma longa).
==Health benefits and Uses of Curcuma aromatica==
Few of the major compounds are alpha-curcumene (ar-curcumene), beta curcumene, d-camphor, alpha and beta-turmerone. Camphene and camphor are also present in the oil which is why this herb has camphor like odor (Hence the name C.aromatica!). The constituents identified in the oil were: alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, , 1,8-cineol,isofurano-germacrene, borneol, isoborneol, beta-curcumene, ar-curcumene, xanthorrhizol, germacrone and curzerenone.
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