
Wild Arum

302 bytes added, 12:15, 22 April 2019
/* Health benefits and Uses of Wild Arum */
* Externally as a healing agent and against plague bumps.
* Topically applied - an ointment or tincture from the root has been used to help alleviate symptoms of rheumatism. It is applied to the skin, however given the extreme toxicity of the plant, this should be done with great care and professional advice sought first.
* In homeopathy (Heinigke, Handb. D. Hom. Arzneiwirkungsl., P.89) for affections of the nervous system with convulsions and paralysis phenomena, in chronic catarrh of the trachea and gastric mucosa with a tendency to hemorrhage, with bladder and loose, easy Used bleeding gums.
[[Category:Herbal medicine]]
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