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[[File:Evodia-rutaecarpa.jpg|thumb|350px|left|AEvodia Evodia rutaecarpa]]
Other Names: Evodia Extract, Evodia Lepta, Evodiae, Evodiae Fructus, Evodia Fruit, Evodiamine, Evodia officinalis, Evodia rutaecarpa, Extrait d’Evodia, E. rutaecarpa, E. officinalis, Gosyuyu, San Cha Ku, Wu-Chu-Yu, Wu-Zhu-Yu.<br>Evodia is a tree that is native to China and Korea. Evodia fruit, which has a strong bitter taste, is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The fruit and root bark are also used as medicine in other herbal practice.<br>See also : [[Bee-bee tree]]
==Special Precautions of Evodia==
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