
Autumn Crocus

689 bytes added, 14:32, 28 September 2019
Autumn [[File:Colchicum autumnale.jpg|thumb|Alt=Colchicum autumnale|350px|left|Colchicum autumnale]]Other Names : Colchicum, Colchicum autumnale, Colchicum speciosum, Colchicum vernum, Colchique, Colchique d'Automne, Cólquico, Crocus, Dame Sans Chemise, Fall Crocus, Faux-Safran, Meadow Saffran, Meadow Saffron, Mysteria, Naked Ladies, naked lady, Safran Bâtard, Safran des Prés, Tue-Chien, Tue-Loup, Upstart, Vellorita, Wonder Bulb.<br> Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as autumn crocus or meadow saffron, is a plantflower which resembles the true crocuses, but flowers in autumn. The seed, bulb, and flower are used to make medicine.
==Special Precautions of Autumn Crocus==
* Autumn crocus is UNSAFE. It is considered a poison, and can cause burning of the mouth and throat, vomiting, diarrhea, liver and kidney problems, blood disorders, nerve problems, shock, organ failure, and death. There have been reports of poisoning when autumn crocus bulbs were mistaken for onions and eaten.
*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE for anyone to use autumn crocus, but pregnant women have extra reasons to avoid use. Autumn crocus might cause birth defects.
==The benefits of Autumn Crocus are==
*Despite serious safety concerns, autumn crocus is used for arthritis , gout , and an inherited disease called familial Mediterranean fever. The seeds of autumn crocus contain colchicine. This is the same active ingredient used in a prescription medication for gout and Mediterranean fever. Colchicine works by reducing the chemicals that cause joint swelling (inflammation) in people with these diseases.* Arthritis.*GoutIn traditional Chinese medicine, extracts from it have been used to treat numerous diseases, including diabetes, malaria, and Hodgkin's disease.
*Familial Mediterranean fever, an inherited disease.
*Other conditions : More evidence is needed to rate The substances vinblastine and vincristine extracted from the effectiveness plant are used in the treatment of autumn crocus for these uses[[leukemia]].
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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