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==Special Precautions of Cellect-Budwig protocol==
Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment.
Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
==The benefits of Cellect-Budwig protocol are==
TREATMENT RATING: This cancer treatment is one of the crown jewels of alternative medicine. It is the strongest and fastest-acting alternative cancer treatment which does not have any restrictions placed on its use. It does not cause any inflammation or swelling. It can be used by any advanced cancer patient dealing with any type of cancer.
TREATMENT RATING: This cancer treatment is one of the crown jewels of alternative medicine. It is the strongest and fastest-acting alternative cancer treatment which does not have any restrictions placed on its use. It does not cause any inflammation or swelling. It can be used by any advanced cancer patient dealing with any type of cancer.
List of Natural Treatments For Advanced Cancer Patients
List of Natural Treatments For Advanced Cancer Patients
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Latest revision as of 03:13, 7 October 2011

Special Precautions of Cellect-Budwig protocol

Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.

The benefits of Cellect-Budwig protocol are

TREATMENT RATING: This cancer treatment is one of the crown jewels of alternative medicine. It is the strongest and fastest-acting alternative cancer treatment which does not have any restrictions placed on its use. It does not cause any inflammation or swelling. It can be used by any advanced cancer patient dealing with any type of cancer. List of Natural Treatments For Advanced Cancer Patients Introduction

This treatment was specifically designed for very advanced cancer patients who need to have an alternative cancer treatment which starts to become effective within days, not weeks or months.

This protocol is based on a combination of two of the fastest acting alternative cancer treatments available. Both the Cellect protocol and the Budwig protocol are known to become effective very quickly, plus they avoid creating inflammation and swelling.

In addition to the two main treatments (Cellect and Budwig) the protocol includes several other treatments which are very effective in getting rid of cancer cells, re-balancing the body (i.e. the "inner terrain") and eliminating toxins from the body.

This article will talk about the six treatments which are part of this protocol.

In addition to the six elements of this protocol, some advanced cancer patients, who can afford the hefty $5,000 price tag, combine the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A. electromedicine protocol with the Cellect-Budwig protocol. These two protocols are very synergistic. See the left side-bar and click on the GB-4000 link.

Advanced cancer patients are strongly advised to work with an expert in their main treatment protocol. This protocol has excellent support available from Mike Vrentas, who has over 10 years of experience in alternative medicine and who designed this protocol. Not only did Mike develop a set of CDs with detailed information about the protocol but he also provides, as an option, telephone support for personal consultations.

Do NOT attempt this protcol without working with Mike Vrentas!! There is no possible way I can detail all of the different situations cancer patients might face on this web page.

More will be said about his support below, but here is Mike's website: Your Road to Health - Cellect/Budwig and More

Treatment #1 of 6: Vegetable Juicing

The vegetable juicing is critical for two major reasons. First of all, several vegetables are very high in anti-cancer nutrients. Second, by focusing on vegetable juice you are crowding out the bad foods that most people eat.

Of course the juicing would be of little value if you did not avoid foods which are feeding your cancer or creating an environment which is favorable to cancer cells.

A cancer patient should absolutely AVOID soda pops, including diet soda pops, highly processed foods (e.g. sugar, white flour), coffee, etc. Eating bad foods, especially highly acidic foods, such as those just mentioned, will FEED the cancer or create an environment in the body in which the cancer cells can thrive!!

Always remember that NO cancer treatment can be any stronger than the "cancer diet."

The bottom line is to eat as much natural whole fruits and vegetables as possible and avoid highly processed foods.

It is NOT necessary to only drink vegetable juices, but a cancer patient should attempt to take about 40 ounces of vegetable juices daily. In the case of the very ill, one must start slowly when juicing and "build-up" sometimes very slowly to let the body adjust. Some may be able to build up to the full amount and others will not. Doing some is better than doing none.

The amount of vegetable juice one is able to consume will differ with each individual case. Be sure to spread out the juicing over several small drinks, every day. The 40 ounce volume is obviously for adults.

The "cancer diet" is also critical to stop fast-spreading cancers. The alkaline environment created by a good "cancer diet" is literally the main technique to stop fast-spreading cancers in their tracks.

Carrots, carrot/apple and green drinks should comprise the bulk of the vegetable juice. Here is an article on which vegetables are anti-cancer and how to put together a vegetable juice: Raw Food Diet

Treatment #2 of 6: The Budwig Protocol

The Budwig Diet restores the electrical charge in cells. Due to the number of rules when using the Budwig Diet or Budwig Protocol, a separate article has been written on the Budwig Protocol. This article is Part 2 of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol: The Budwig Diet (Part 2 of the Cellect-Budwig)

Here is a detailed article on how to make the Budwig Diet mixture: How to Make the Budwig Diet Mixture

Note #1: If someone is using a feeding tube, organic plain Kefir (as a replacement for the cottage cheese) will work to break down the flaxseed oil. Use about 4 ounces of kefir to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil and thoroughly stir until the oil is gone. You may have to add more or less of the kefir.

Treatment #3 of 6: Cellect Powder

The key product in this protocol is a nutritional powder called Cellect, which has shown excellent results with all forms of cancer and many other chronic or terminal health issues. Cellect was developed by Fred Eichorn who is the president of the National Cancer Research Foundation.

Fred completed 4 years of Pre-Med and worked as a Surgical Organ Transplant Researcher. He is also a Bio-Chemist and cured himself of pancreatic cancer. The nutritional product Cellect was created as a result of his research.

A cancer patient should start out by building up to four scoops a day. The "scoop" is in the can, but due to shipping may have to be gently removed as it may work its way down into the powder. Children, of course, should take smaller doses.

A cancer patient (adults) may find they can advance quickly to the 4 scopes or more. In cases of the very ill one may have to work up very slowly so their body can adjust. This could mean starting with as little as a half scoop of the powder per day, and then work up as their body can handle it.

The number of scoops of Cellect should be gradually increased until the protocol is effective. This is because it is not always easy to determine exactly how aggressive the cancer is.

For example, 6-8 scopes of Cellect may be needed for more advanced cancer patients and may get better results faster. Some patients will be able to handle the higher doses and some will not. Everyone's body is different. One needs to do what they can handle, as well what they can afford.

Even doing two scoops a day is better than doing none.

This is one of the key products in this treatment, so, as just mentioned, if your treatment is not progressing, increase the dose (if you can) to make sure your cancer is not more aggressive than your treatment.

There have been some cases with constipation so be sure that for each scoop of Cellect one takes three of the Cod Liver Oil capsules which comes with the product. Additional Cod Liver Oil capsules can be taken as well to alleviate the constipation. Also in the case of constipation vegetable juicing works well. In the case of diarrhea; lessen the cod liver oil until one gets it under control.

The product Cellect can be purchased by visiting their website. This product is NOT sold through multilevel marketing.

If you take the powdered form, it needs to be mixed with a fruit juice (freshly squeezed), vegetable juice, or purple grape juice (partly to kill the taste). Look under "recipes" for additional ideas for taking the Cellect powder at the link below.

The powdered products are called: Maxi-Blend.

WARNING:Cellect also comes in pill or capsule form. However, it takes 25 capsules of Cellect pills to equal one scoop. Thus, for example, if someone wanted to take 5 scoops of Cellect they would need 125 capsules!! For this reason, I do not recommend the capsule form of Cellect!!

Use the Maxi-Blend powder unflavored if possible. Using the flavored requires the consumption of more due to the volume added because of the flavoring. This can become a real issue on higher doses.

Note #1: Do not take the product Cellect and the Budwig Diet products within one and a half hours of each other!!

Note #2: Cellect should be taken immediately before a meal (to prevent stomach upset) and the cod liver oil should be taken during the meal. This insures the cod liver is not taken within an hour and a half of the Budwig portion!!!

Here is their website to purchase the product: Cellect (click 'Products' and pick a 'Maxi-Blend' powder)

Here is their website with more technical information: NCRF Technical Information

Treatment #4 of 6: Importance of Detoxification

See the information in the "Cardinal Rule" section below, as this is a very, very important part of this protocol. This is covered in detail in the Cellect/Budwig Audio CD's.

Treatment #5 of 6: Laetrile or Vitamin B17

Laetrile or Vitamin B17 is a strongly recommended part of this protocol. Laetrile is talked about in detail in the Cellect/Budwig Audio CD's. Laetrile or B17 has been a major cancer treatment for several decades. It selectively kills cancer cells safely. It does not kill cancer cells so fast that it creates dangerous debris.

The best way to take laetrile is by I.V., however, federal regulators have made this illegal in the U.S. The most common way of taking laetrile is by eating apricot seeds (or apple seeds), which are high in laetrile or Vitamin B17. Laetrile tablets are also available and are also a very common way of taking laetrile.

However, the best way to take laetrile is a combination of laetrile tablets and apricot seeds. This way you get both high doses of laetrile (from the 500 mg tablets) and the nutrients that Mother Nature intended to be taken with laetrile (from the apricot seeds). The laetrile tablets should be taken 1/2 hour after a meal!!

A cancer patient should start with 3 or 4 apricot seeds a day and build up to 25-30 apricot seeds per day or better yet take some combination of apricot seeds and laetrile tablets. Cellect, which is part of this protocol, has many of the nutrients needed for laetrile to be utilized by the body.

One vendor for these seeds can be called at: 1-417-926-6614.

See this large British website for more information about laetrile: Laetrile Website

When you get to this website look on the left side of the page and look for the "Frequenly Asked Questions." Then click on article 7Q. This is a key article.

For other vendors see the bottom of this web page: Article and Vendors of Laetrile

Treatment #6 of 6: Real Sunlight

It is very helpful to get out in the sunlight for about 45 minutes a day. One needs to start slowly so as not to burn, maybe starting with as little as 15 minutes per day working their way up. Do NOT use any type of sunscreen. Sunscreens filter out certain wavelengths of light and can actually cause skin cancer.

Alternative Cancer Treatments to AVOID While on this Protocol

There are several alternative cancer treatments which should NOT be taken with this protocol:

1) Do NOT take cesium chloride, Coral Calcium, or other alkaline products or supplements, while on this protocol!! The reason is that the Cellect is already properly pH balanced and these protocols would push Cellect out of balance!! 2) Do NOT take Protocel, Cantron, Entlev or Cancell (all are registered trademarks). These products work in the opposite manner as the Budwig Protocol and may offset the Budwig Diet. 3) Do NOT take any product with Paw Paw or Graviola. This includes Amazon Factor Protocol. These plants also lower ATP energy and may offset the Budwig Diet. 4) Do NOT take Vitamin C or any other antioxidant supplements. 5) Do NOT take Vibe liquid, by Eniva, while on this protocol. Cardinal Rule: Work With an Expert!!

Cancer is a relentless disease and all advanced cancer patients and/or caregivers must work with an expert, either in person or by detailed documentation, to deal with the many things a caregiver needs to know about treating advanced cancer!! The experience of an expert is many times more important than common sense!!

Almost by definition, this protocol will be used by advanced cancer patients. In addition, this is a very potent treatment and patients need to know what to do when the potency of this treatment becomes evident. When one uses alternative cancer treatments many times there is a die off of dead cells and release of toxins from the body. One needs to know how to remove this toxic load from the body as quickly as possible.

Upon elimination of toxins from the body we have heard time and again how much better a person feels almost immediately, leaving the person feeling calm and relaxed, clear headed and a sense of well being. One needs to understand this in detail. This is one of many reasons for working with an expert when possible.

It is far beyond the scope of this article to provide all the information needed for this treatment. Of special importance again, is dealing with the toxic load created by any of the fast-acting alternative cancer treatments, such as this one. You need to understand the symptoms of the detoxification load and all of your options for dealing with the toxic load.

Published Support For This Protocol

Because Mike Vrentas, who designed this protocol, has a finite amount of time to help cancer patients, and because this is a popular treatment, Mike has produced a set of audio files, which take five and one-half hours to listen to. These audio files were the result of consulting with cancer patients using this protocol. There is a great deal of critical information in these audio files!!

To be blunt, because of the potential for unexpected symptoms and knowing how to handle them, it is unthinkable to attempt this treatment without the audio book. The information in these files is an essential part of this protocol.

The audio book should be listened to at least twice during the treatment; once at the beginning of the treatment and once 1 or 2 weeks after starting the treatment.

Without listening to this audio book it is almost guaranteed the caregiver will do exactly the wrong thing to deal with this weakness!! I don't know how else to explain the importance of these lectures!!

Mike has priced these audio tapes to be less than half of the cost of a single can of Cellect! They are available for immediate download (using broadband) or on CD. You may want to listen to these tapes even if you don't go on this treatment because they will help any cancer patient on any treatment.

The information Mike has provided in the downloads or CD's is a step by step explanation of the above protocol. It includes a great deal of information on individual cases and the science behind the protocol, including the information on how the protocol works to re-balance the basic chemistry of your body. Very important to the protocol as well, is the detailed information of how to identify and deal with detoxification.

Please see this free, short You-Tube video about his set of audio files: Your Road to Health - Cellect/Budwig and More

One-on-One Support For This Protocol

Frequently, there are special situations which go beyond his audio files. Mike can be contacted by email to set up a telephone consultation (for International contacts Mike has Skype). Mike is an expert in every phase of this treatment. He charges a very modest one-time consultation fee of $150. It is well worth it when it is needed!! Mike is also an excellent motivator to get a patient to do it right.

Note for Brain Cancer Patients (Also Applies to Lung Cancer)

Swelling and inflammation are very dangerous for brain cancer patients. There is nothing in this treatment that will create added swelling or inflammation. However, one reason you need to be careful about adding things to this treatment is because many alternative cancer treatments do cause temporary swelling or inflammation. In other words, be very, very careful about adding items to this treatment.

If swelling and inflammation are currently a problem, and if you are on any prescription drugs designed to reduce swelling, you should know that this treatment will not interfere with the drugs.

However, one thing you can do to help with any potential swelling is to rub a teaspoon of DMSO on the back of your neck. Spread it thin. This is one of the transdermal ways of taking DMSO. DMSO will quickly penetrate the blood-brain-barrier and will help reduce swelling in the brain. DMSO should not be taken within two hours of taking any prescription drugs.

Here is a vendor of DMSO: DMSO Vendor (use the 70/30 for transdermal)

If you have brain cancer and carry with you prescription drugs in case of brain inflammation, make sure you have someone with you at all times who knows how to administer these drugs in case of an emergency.

Optional Treatments Which Can Be Added To This Protocol

Frequency Generator (e.g. GB-4000) (Strongly Recommended)

Our experience has shown that the combination of the Cellect-Budwig protocol and the GB-4000 is a potent combination!! The reason is that the GB-4000 gets rid of cancer cells in a very different way than the Cellect-Budwig protocol.

The GB-4000 is based on the Rife Machine technology of the 1930s. Dr. Royal Rife designed his frequency generator to kill microbes which were inside of the cancer cells. Dr. Rife was well aware that cancer was caused by microbes because he was a microbiologist and had done hundreds of experiments to prove his theory.

But the real proof that his theory was correct is that his device had a 100% cure rate (this was before chemotherapy) and yet the device was not designed to kill cancer cells. It was only designed to kill microbes which were inside the cancer cells.

What this device adds to the Cellect-Budwig protocol is the ability to safely and quickly remove cancer cells from the body (by reverting them into normal cells).

Thus, the combination of the Cellect-Budwig protocol and the GB-4000 includes two different ways to quickly get rid of cancer cells without causing any inflammation or swelling. The cost of the GB-4000 is about $2,400.

For more information see: Frequency Generators

Items From the Bill Henderson Protocol

As has been mentioned elsewhere on this website, cancer results when there is an imbalance between the number of cancer cells and the strength of the immune system.

Cellect powder and the vegetable juice are both good at building the immune system. However, the Bill Henderson protocol, which is also a Budwig-based protocol, has some supplements that may provide additional help for someone who has had their immune system damaged by extensive orthodox cancer treatments.

No cancer patient can be "cured" of their cancer until their immune system is strong enough to handle existing and newly forming cancer cells.

Like Mike, Bill Henderson is also an expert in the Budwig Protocol. Bill is also the author of two books on alternative cancer treatments. He has also put together an excellent protocol based on the Budwig Diet.

The key purpose for mentioning Bill is that the products he recommends, such as immune builders or barley supplements, are known to be effective against cancer, effective at building the immune system and are known to be compatible with the Budwig Protocol and the other protocols in this treatment.

In other words, the Cellect-Budwig and Bill Henderson protocols are synergistic with each other and with the Budwig protocol.

A person can buy Bill's book online (and get it immediately). His book also discusses many other key issues, such as dental cavitations. Look at Chapter 5 to see a list of excellent products which are compatible with this protocol. Here is his website: Bill Henderson Website

Please Support Alternative Cancer Research:

The Cancer Tutor website is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc (ICRF). The ICRF is one of the premiere alternative cancer treatment research organizations. Please support their research: Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Please email your friends about this site, and link to this site on your web page!

Click here to read the FDA required disclaimer: FDA Required Disclaimer and Discussion of Key Terms Click here to read about the CancerTutor webmaster: About R. Webster Kehr

Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.