
Liver Diseases

1,296 bytes added, 17:24, 13 October 2019
* [[Cirrhosis]]
* [[Liver Cancer - Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)]]
* [[Fatty Liver Disease (FLD)]]
* [[Hepatitis]]
* [[Liver Fibrosis]]
* [[Hepatomegaly]]
* [[Hepatosplenomegaly]]
* [[Jaundice]]
* [[Detox]]
== Symptoms and Causes ==
== Home remedies ==
*Eat plenty of liver-rebuilding foods, including: carrots, beets, leafy greens, and other green vegetables.
* [[Lecithin]] seems to reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver of people who are being fed long-term through a needle in the vein (parenteral nutrition).* [[Choline]] : Not getting enough choline may harm your liver.* [[Milk Thistle]] may protect the liver against toxicity from acetaminophen (Tylenol), alcohol and other drugs. In Europe, milk thistle is reportedly administered to patients when they are given medications known to cause liver problems. There’s a compound in milk thistle that helps the liver regenerate its cells. Called silymarin, it’s a 2,000 year old secret to fighting liver damage.
* [[Dandelion]] : The Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism cited two studies that showed the liver regenerative properties of dandelion in cases of jaundice, liver swelling, hepatitis, and indigestion.
* Globe [[Artichoke ]] contains compounds called caffeylquinic acids which have demonstrated powerful liver regenerating effects similar to milk thistle.
*[[Turmeric]] helps regenerate liver cells and cleanse it of toxins. Turmeric also increases the production of bile to help expel toxins and may help reduce liver inflammation. In studies turmeric has also been shown to increase levels of two liver-supporting enzymes that promote Phase 2 liver detoxification reactions.
*[[Walnut]] is recommended for patients with liver ailments (Liver Diseases).
* Whole Lemon-Olive Oil : Olive Oil increases the flow of bile from the liver. The lemon juice and olive oil combine together to flush toxins from the liver. Lymph will then be able to drain into the liver for processing and eliminating waste products.
* [[Siberian ginseng]] is one of only a handful of herbs that is an adaptogen, which means that it works to normalize bodily functions. It inhibits the adrenal stress response and works as an immune stimulant, particularly for fighting the effects of stress and [[depression]]. It aids the liver in detoxifying harmful toxins, including chemotherapeutic agents and radiation. Siberian ginseng also stimulates the activity of several immune system components: B and T cells, making it excellent for Chronic [[Fatigue]] Syndrome and other viral infections.
* [[Royal jelly Jelly]] is the natural result when bees combine honey and pollen. It is a powerhouse of B-complex vitamins. It also contains many other vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, 18 amino acids, and natural antibacterial and antibiotic substances. It has traditionally been used to address bronchial asthma, [[pancreatitis]], Liver Diseases, insomnia, [[Stomach Ulcers]], [[Kidney Diseases]], bone fractures, immune problems, and skin disorders, but royal jelly is also effective for increasing energy.* [[LicoriceBlueberry]] is said to strengthen the nerves: new research show that blueberries could help relieve people suffering from liver damage or liver diseases – especially hepatic fibrosis : After studying two groups of rats, promote the memoryall with liver fibrosis, and help the scientists concluded that blueberries could reduce liver indices. The researchers showed a significant difference in cases the rats who ate blueberries compared to the group that didn’t eat any. The blueberries helped to decrease levels of Liver Diseasesmalondialdehyde in liver homogenates.* [[Licorice]] root works effectively in neutralizing strong chemicals that are found in the liver. It also stimulates positive reaction during the process of detoxification. Its extract is rich in glycyrrehntinic acid that also protects the liver from extreme damage.
* Eggs are a major source of the brain enhancing B vitamin choline. Choline also helps the liver detoxify correctly and increases fat-loss potential.
* Nettles are proven to reduce water retention, while strengthening the liver, adrenal glands (the glands that deal with stress and boost energy), and kidneys.
* In Chinese medicine honey is thought to harmonize the liver.
* [[Bentonite ]] clay helps cleansing the liver, colon and skin.
* beetroot helps liver, kidney and bladder function.
* The consumption of [[Burdock Root]] benefits the health in many ways. Folk herbalists were convinced that burdock root worked best as a diuretic and diaphoretic.For several hundred years now, the burdock plant and burdock root have been used for purifying and flushing toxins from the blood stream.
* start every day with a large glass of water with the fresh juice of one-half to one lemon added. Lemon helps bolster you liver’s detoxification abilities.
* [[Sulfur]] : Eat lots of garlic, onions and broccoli since these foods contain sulfur that is required to increase the liver’s detoxification ability.
* [[Daikon ]] (Raphanus sativus) is a Japanese root vegetable belonging to the cabbage family. It is called Japanese radish, white radish or Oriental radish. It has traditionally been used to aid digestion and protect the liver.
* [[Artichoke]] is good for the Liver Thanks to cynarin and another antioxidant, silymarin, artichokes are very beneficial to the liver. Studies have found they may even regenerate liver tissue. Artichokes have long been used in folk and alternative medicine as a treatment for liver ailments and the scientific studies are now proving them to be correct.
*[[N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ]] (NAC)—A Godsend as an antioxidant! NAC helps powerfully support antioxidant activity in the liver. NAC also helps protect your liver from exposure to toxins and chemicals!*[[Alpha Lipoic Acid lipoic acid]] (ALA)—Critical if you’re taking prescription drugs! ALA helps your liver quickly neutralize the effects of over-the-counter and prescription medicines by elevating levels of the liver-supportive enzyme called glutathione. What’s more, ALA can help promote normal levels of liver enzymes!
*Trimethylglycine (TMG)—Helps Improve liver function! In an Italian study, patients taking TMG experienced improved liver function, reduced fat in the liver and diminished abdominal pain. What’s more, several clinical trials show TMG can help support the normal repair and rejuvenation of liver cells!
*Olive Leaf—A natural immune booster! Scientists have identified a powerful immune-enhancing compound in olive leaf called “oleuropein.” When enzymes in the body metabolize oleuropein, you get a force field of immune system support. This is especially important for your liver and kidneys since they are constantly exposed to toxins and chemicals!
* [[Green Tea]] is loaded with catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that has been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and promote proper liver function. This powerful herbal beverage also protects the liver against toxins that would otherwise accumulate and cause serious damage.
* [[Mind/Body Approaches]] : Frequent episodes of anger, irritability, resentment and frustration, directed internally or externally, cause qi to stagnate in the liver and give rise to a range of health abnormalities. ([[Emotional detox]])
* [[Turmeric ]] (Curcuma longa) : A popular anti-inflammatory ingredient used in foods as well as anti-inflammatory herbal remedies, turmeric contains curcumin which showed promising potentials in protecting the liver against hepatotoxicty and liver diseases in several animal studies (such as this and this).*[[Glutathione]] : Without enough of it, your liver cannot protect you from toxins, bacteria, and oxidative stress*[[Jin Qian Cao ]] (Herba lysimachiae) : In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jin Qian Cao, or literally gold coin grass, is used as a diuretic and to clear heat accumulated in the kidney, liver and gallbladder systems. It is also used in jaundice patients and those suffering from stones in their gallbladder, kidneys and bladder. Jin Qian Cao soaked in alcohol is also applied externally as a massage oil to relieve swelling, pain and bruises.
* [[Chanca Piedra]] (Phyllanthus niruri): is the equivalent of milk thistle but grows in the tropics instead of Europe. The herb shows comparable anti-hepatotoxicity effects to milk thistle in preclinical studies such as the one conducted by the University of Malaya. In the animal study, rats given either chanca piedra or milk thistle suffered significantly less carcinogen-induced liver damage than those that weren’t.
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