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[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:herbal medicine]]

Latest revision as of 04:03, 31 December 2019

Other Names: Ajuga, Archangle, Ashangee, Chanvre d’Eau, Green Wolf's Foot, Gypsy Weed, Gypsywort, Hoarhound, Lycope, Lycope d’Amérique, Lycope d’Europe, Lycope de Virginie, Lycopi Herba, Lycopus americanus, Lycopus europaeus, Lycopus Europea, Lycopus virginicus, Menta de Lobo, Patte-de-Loup, Paul's Betony, Sweet Bugle, Water Bugle, Water Hoarhound, Water Horehound, Virginia Water Horehound, Wolfstrapp.
Bugleweed is a plant. People use the parts that grow above the ground for medicine.

Special Precautions of Bugleweed

  • Bugleweed might be safe for most people, but thyroid disease should not be self-treated due to possible complications. Long-term use of bugleweed can cause an enlarged thyroid gland. Discontinuing bugleweed abruptly can result in high levels of thyroid and prolactin, which might cause physical symptoms.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to use bugleweed during pregnancy because it might affect hormones. It’s also UNSAFE to use bugleweed while breast-feeding. It can affect milk production.
  • Diabetes: Bugleweed might lower blood sugar. If you have diabetes, use bugleweed cautiously, watch for symptoms of low blood sugar, and check your blood sugar carefully. The dose of your diabetes medications may need to be adjusted.
  • Surgery: Bugleweed might affect blood sugar levels. There is some concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using bugleweed at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • Enlarged thyroid or poorly functioning thyroid (thyroid hypofunction): Don’t use bugleweed if you have one of these conditions or are receiving thyroid treatments.
  • Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with BUGLEWEED
  • Thyroid hormone interacts with BUGLEWEED

Benefits and uses of Bugleweed are

  • Bugleweed is used to lower high levels of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism).
  • It is also used to treat premenstrual syndrome; breast pain; nervousness; trouble sleeping (insomnia); and bleeding, especially nosebleeds and heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  • Vasoconstrictor : Herbs Causing Constriction Of Capillaries.
Last modified on 31 December 2019, at 04:03