
Stillingia sylvatica

389 bytes added, 08:00, 1 January 2020
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Stillingia sylvatica */
* The materialmust be fresh or recent to be of any therapeutic value, and undoubtedly many of the failures to obtain good results in the use of stillingia are due to the fact that preparations from old and worthless material have been employed.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Stillingia sylvatica==
The root is antiemetic, astringent.
* A decoction has been used to treat bird sickness, diarrhoea, vomiting and appetite loss in children and in adults.
* It has also been used to treat menstruation sickness, yellow eyes and skin weakness.
* A decoction or tincture of the root has been used to treat the worst forms of venereal disease.
* In less doses it is an alterative, exerting an influence over the secretory and lymphatic functions, which is unsurpassed by few, if any other of the known alteratives.
* It is an American remedy of much importance and value, and is extensively used in all the various forms of primary and secondary syphilitic affections, in which it appears to have a most decided action; also in scrofulous, hepatic and cutaneous affections, in which its administration is followed by the most successful results (J. King). In regard to its effects upon syphilis there appears to be much discordance of opinion among physicians, and this is probably due to the fact that in earlier years it was undoubtedly much overrated, that poor preparations have been employed and that the special conditions favoring its action have not been properly observed. When the specific indications for the drug have been followed the results have been fully as good as have been obtained from any of the antisyphilitics. The cases for its exhibition in syphilitic and other affections are those in which the tissues are feeble and are tardily removed and renewed; the mucous membranes are predominantly affected and the skin secondarily; and the mucous surfaces are tumid, red, and glistening, and secretion is scanty. With these indications it has been very successfully used in syphilitic and strumous diseases, and chronic inflammations with low deposits.
[[Category:Herbal medicine]]
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