
Calamintha officinalis

65 bytes added, 09:43, 2 January 2020
[[File:Calamintha officinalis.jpg|thumb|Alt=|250px|left|Calamintha officinalis]]
Other Names : Basil Thyme, Mountain Mint, Calamint, Bergsteentijm<br>Calamint belongs to a genus closely related to both the Thymes and to Catnep and Ground Ivy. It is an erect, bushy plant with square stems, rarely more than a foot high, bearing pairs of opposite leaves, which, like the stems, are downy with soft hairs. The flowers bloom in July and August, and are somewhat inconspicuous, drooping gracefully before expansion: the corollas are of a light purple colour. The plant grows by waysides and in hedges, and is not uncommon, especially in dry places. It may be cultivated as a hardy perennial, propagated by seeds sown outdoors in April, by cuttings of side shoots in cold frames in spring, or by division of roots in October and April.<br>See also : [[Calamintha nepeta]]
==Special Precautions of Lesser Calamint==
* This herb should not be used by pregnant women as it increases the chances of occurrence of miscarriage.
[[Category:Herbal medicine]]
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