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Revision as of 05:48, 2 January 2020

Melaleuca quinquenervia

Other Names : Melaleuca quinquenervia, Melaleuca viridiflora, broad-leaved paperbark, the paper bark tea tree, punk tree.
Small- to medium-sized tree of the allspice family, Myrtaceae. The plant is native to New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and coastal eastern Australia, from Botany Bay in New South Wales northwards, into Queensland and the Northern Territory. It has become naturalized in the Everglades in Florida, where it is considered a serious weed by the USDA.

Special Precautions of Niaouli

  • Tisserand and Young indicate that Niaouli Essential with the 1,8-Cineole chemotype may cause CNS and breathing problems in young children. They caution against using the oil on or near the face of infants and children.
  • It is a powerful stimulant, so be sure to use it early at night and only in combination with more sedative oil.
  • Do not take niaouli essential oil internally.
  • Do not apply directly to the eyes or to mucous membranes.
  • Potential for Skin Irritation: Medium.

Health Benefits and uses of Niaouli are

The health benefits of Niaouli Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, stimulant, vermifuge and vulnerary substance.

  • Analgesic : The pain relieving property of this oil makes it a very good analgesic. It eliminates pain by inducing numbness in the nerves and by desensitizing the area. It is very effective in relieving the pain of headaches, migraines, toothaches, earaches, and muscle and joint pain, as well as pain due to sprains.
  • anti-rheumatic : This oil stimulates the circulation of the blood and lymph, thereby preventing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and bringing warmth to various parts of the body. These two factors together help give relief from rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.
  • Antiseptic : Open wounds are prone to infections since bacteria, fungi, and other microbes have a very good chance of getting into the blood stream through these wounds. Bacteria also reside in the urogenital tracts, colon, prostrate, intestines, and kidneys and cause infections of the urethra and other sensitive body parts. The essential oil of Niaouli, thanks to its antiseptic properties, can inhibit bacterial growth in those areas and gives good protection against sepsis, tetanus, and infections of the other internal organs.
  • Bactericidal : This oil kills bacteria and inhibits bacterial growth and infections. Donoyama and Ichiman study on the effectiveness of six essential oils like eucalyptus, thyme linalool, lavender, tea tree, niaouli and sage in treating Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was tested. This study revealed that among the six essential oils tested “niaouli essential oil was found to be the most effective, reducing colony count to zero at 3.125%”.
  • Balsamic : Niaouli essential oil promotes growth and boosts health by promoting proper absorption and distribution of nutrients in the body. It also increases strength.
  • Cicatrisant : People don’t like to see scars on their face or skin. You may have tried those creams and lotions on the market but have gotten no results. If you are losing hope of ever having clear skin, why don’t you try using the oil of Niaouli? As a cicatrisant, it diminishes scars and the after marks left by acne, pimples, or pox on the skin. This oil also speeds up the growth of new tissues and cells in the affected area to give it a brand new look. These new tissues will replace the old and damaged tissues of the scars so the scars will ultimately fade away.
  • Decongestant : Niaouli essential oil also opens up any congestion of the lungs, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, trachea and the nasal tracts by clearing out the deposition of phlegm in those areas. This helps you breathe easier and guarantee a good sleep at the end of the day.
  • Expectorant : Niaouli essential oil has been approved in the German Commission E Monographs especially for its effective uses to the respiratory system. The expectorant property of this oil loosens up toughened depositions of phlegm or catarrh in the lungs, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, trachea and the nasal tracts, thereby giving relief from heaviness in the chest, as well as coughs and congestion.
  • Febrifuge : Niaouli essential oil helps to lower body temperature during fevers by fighting the infections that cause the fever and by promoting sweat. This also helps to detoxify the blood to some extent, thereby promoting faster relief from fever.
  • Insecticide : Niaouli essential oil kills insects (barring cockroaches and a few other very stubborn survivors) and also keeps them away. This can be used in sprays and vaporizers to achieve this effect and keep your area insect-free.
  • Stimulant: It is a stimulant for the systems functioning inside the body. Niaouli essential oil stimulates blood circulation as well as the secretion of hormones, enzymes, and other juices while also stimulating metabolic processes. These include digestion, absorption, and excretion. In this way, it stimulates growth and strengthens immunity. Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt says “Niaouli is an excellent general immune system booster and an agent to help one with allergic reactions.” Niaouli essential oil enhances the resistant power of your body to withstand against infections and micro organisms by strengthening your immunity.
  • Vermifuge : Niaouli essential oil also kills intestinal worms. It is effective on both round worms and tape worms. The presence of worms obstructs the normal physical and mental growth and also interferes with the absorption of nutrients by the body. The use of this oil can eliminate this obstructed growth by eliminating the worms responsible for the condition. It can also be safely given to children, who suffer from worms more often than adults.
  • Vulnerary : The essential oil of Niaouli helps your wounds heal faster and keeps them protected from infections when applied as an external application on the wounds mixed with any lotion or cream. This oil is equally beneficial in healing internal wounds, cuts, and ulcers. It activates the leucocytes and platelet particles in the infected place and prevents the intrusion of microbes. The disinfectant property of this oil itself inhibits microbial infections or growth in the affected place.
  • aches,
  • acne
  • bronchitis
  • colds
  • coughs
  • cuts
  • dull skin
  • flu
  • oily skin
  • sore throat
  • whooping cough


  • Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 56-66.
  • Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier 2014), 364.
Last modified on 2 January 2020, at 05:48