
Custard Apple

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[[File:Custard Apple.jpg|thumb|350px|left|Custard Apple]]Other Names : fruit from Annona reticulata. <br>The custard apple grown in Australia is a hybrid of the [[Sugar Apple]] (Annona squamosa) and the [[Cherimoya]] (Annona cherimola). More recently, hybrids have also been developed with Annona reticulata. For centuries, Ayurvedic practitioners in India have extensively use various parts of the Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa) tree for the management of diabetes. Similarly, Inca tribes in the Peruvian Andes have used cherimoya (Annona cherimola) as a medicinal plant.
==Special Precautions of Custard Apple==
*Obese people should avoid eating custard apple as it is a healthy food to gain weight.
*The kernel of the fruit is toxic
==Health benefits and Uses of Custard Apple==
* The plenty Custard apple appears to possess potent bioactive principles in most of nutrientsits plant parts (fruit, especially magnesium seed and leaves). * Based on in vitro and in vivo testing, custard apple is good in prevention of strokes fruit exhibit potent anti-diabetic, anti-obese, anti-microbial and heart attacksanti-cancer properties.*For healthy hair growthIn Okinawan longevity studies, custard apple was identified as one of the few foods with anti-obese activity. In animal studies, it reduced abdominal fat tissue by about 20%.*The Aqueous extract of fruits of Annona reticulata were shown to be highly protective against chemical induced heart damage of rats. In animal studies, custard apple fruit is good for eyes due have been shown to adequate presence reduce total cholesterol by 46%, triglycerides by up to 65% and the triglyceride/HDL ratio, a major predictor of vitamin Aheart disease in humans by half.*reduces the chances of rheumatism In anti-diabetic studies on animals, custard apple appears to mimic insulin stimulating its production and other forms enhanced uptake of arthritis as it helpful in flux out glucose by muscles leading to stabilisation of excessive acidsblood sugar concentrations.*The anaemic patient should eat custard Animal studies have shown that feeding sugar apple regularly as (Annona squamosa) pulp increased haemoglobin levels by up to 21%. This response, if translated to humans, could provide a significant boost to athlete performance.* In vitro studies have shown that the fruit has good percentage of ironAnnona spp. The obese person should avoid it but the fruit is good for underweight people to increase weighthave significant anti-microbial activities against a range of serious pathogens.*As per studyCurrently the Annonaceae remain a "hot' family for the discovery of new anti-cancer drugs. Custard apple contains a class of chemicals called acetogenins, it has been which are very long chain fatty acids, and only found in Annonaceous species. In vivo testing has shown that bullatacin, an acetogenin found in custard apple is the excellent source of copper, to be 300 times more potent than Taxol (paclitaxel), a standard anti-cancer drug. Copper * Limited human clinical testing trials are being a part of haemoglobin, conducted on the fruit is extremely suggested closely related Annonaceous species Asimina triloba (North American pawpaw) at the Nevada Cancer Clinic in the USA (visit site for pregnant womendetails). Women who doesn’t have necessary copper, there is chances of early baby born Early findings appear promising.*Brittleness Few fruits or foods possess the wide range of bone is also caused due bioactivity exhibited by custard apple fruit and potentially it appears to lack of copperbe equal or even greater other superfruits such as blueberry.* Custard apple may be used as substitute of milk by making the fruit can be processed into beveragesa range of health products from purees to cereal flakes to spray-dried powder.*It contains vitamin B6, thus helpful in resolving the problem Processed products may have a higher concentration of sore tongue, convulsion and depressionbioactive chemicals.* Other than being a suitable remedy for weight gainEven though there have been limited animal and human studies, custard apple is a herb which is known for having a cooling impact on one’s body appear to be have excellent health and brings down the heat easily. It counteracts anorexia and increases the chances of putting on weightmedicinal benefits which deserve to be further explored.* The leaves are used internally against worms, and externally to treat abscesses* Crushed leaves or a paste of the flesh of custard apple is beneficial to treat may be poulticed on boils, abscesses and ulcers. * The dried crushed parts of custard apple Unripe fruits and the bark are good rich in curing of tannin. They are used to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. In severe cases, the leaves, bark and green fruits are all boiled together for 5 minutes in a litre of water to make an exceedingly potent decoction. * Eating custard removes expectorantsFragments of the root bark are put around the gums to relieve toothache. * The bark of the custard apple tree root decoction is used taken as an astringent and tannins. a febrifuge* The finely grated stem bark of the tree is used in treatment placed on the area of toothache tooan enlarged spleen.* Vitamin C: Custard apple contains anti-oxidant vitamin C, which fights free radicals thereby preventing diseases.* Vitamin A: Vitamin A in concentrated extract of the fruits see is beneficial in keeping skin employed to remedy dysentery and hair healthy. This vitamin is good for eyes toodiarrhoea.* Potassium: Potassium in the sweet fruits makes you active and removes the lethargies. Potassium also helps to fight muscle weakness.==References==* Magnesium''http: Magnesium helps to maintain water balance in the body//botany. It is good for arthritic patients by removing acids from''* Copper''http: Copper in custard apple works against constipation//''* Fiber: It has plentiful of fiber, which is helpful in smooth digestion and eases constipation.
[[Category:fruit & vegetables]]
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