
Indian Tobacco

65 bytes added, 14:09, 2 January 2020
* Cancer : Extracts of Lobelia inflata contain lobeline, which showed positive effects in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tumor cells.
*Lobelia inflata was used in the 19th century as a medicinal herb to induce vomiting as a mean to remove harmful toxins from the body, which explains one of its name "puke weed."
* Hypotensive : Lowering Blood Pressure
* Externally, an infusion has been found useful in ophthalmia, and the tincture can be used as a local application for sprains, bruises, or skin diseases, alone, or in powder combined with an equal part of slippery elm bark and weak lye-water in a poultice. The oil of Lobelia is valuable in tetanus. One drop of oil triturated with one scruple of sugar, and divided into from 6 to 12 doses, is useful as an expectorant, nauseant, sedative, and diaphoretic, when given every one or two hours.
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