
Salvia Sclarea

911 bytes added, 16:06, 3 January 2020
* Sedative: Do you need to calm down? Do you want to concentrate? Or do you simply want to relax and have a good night’s sleep? Clary Sage oil can help you with all of these. It reduces inflammations and has an undeniably calming effect. People suffering from chronic stress or anxiety disorders find great comfort in the use of Clary Sage essential oil.
* Stomachic: This oil also maintains the health of the stomach and regulates secretions of digestive juices. In this way, it prevents stomach disorders and helps to stimulate efficient absorption of nutrients and digestion of food, and regulation of bowel movements. It also helps the healing of ulcers and wounds in the stomach. By regulating bowel movements, it can also protect the integrity of your colon and reduce the changes of more serious gastrointestinal conditions, including colorectal cancer.
* Cancer : Sclareol is able to kill human leukemic cells and colon cancer cells by apoptosis.
* Deodorant: Buying synthetic deodorants are not only expensive, but they also negatively impact the environment. Their pleasant smell effects also only last for a short time. Moreover, sometimes they produce irritations on skin and allergies. Clary Sage oil can be a far better choice as a deodorant, because in diluted form, it serves as an efficient deodorant without any side effects. It is natural, so it doesn’t impact the environment, and its effects can last for a long time.
* Digestive: Clary Sage essential oil promotes digestion and relieves symptoms of indigestion. It boosts the secretion of gastric juices and bile, thereby speeding up digestion and easing the process, which relieves cramping, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.
* Uterine: Clary Sage oil helps to maintain good health of the uterus. It prevents some of the most common uterine problems that women have after menopause, including uterine tumors, bleeding, and pain. Furthermore, it regulates hormones like estrogen and ensures long-term health of the uterus, thereby reducing the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.
* Other Benefits: Clary Sage essential oil can be used to battle addiction (particularly drugs) and can stimulate a change in mentality towards a positive way of approaching life. Furthermore, it is anti-inflammatory in nature and can treat back aches and joint pain. In terms of skin care, it can help to regulate excess sebum production and prevent acne from forming. It also eases labor and reduces labor pains.
== References ==
* ''Dimas, Kostas; Kokkinopoulos, Dimitrios; Demetzos, Costas; Vaos, Basilios; Marselos, Marios; Malamas, Mixalis; Tzavaras, Theodoros (1999). "The effect of sclareol on growth and cell cycle progression of human leukemic cell lines". Leukemia Research. 23 (3): 217–234. doi:10.1016/S0145-2126(98)00134-9. PMID 10071073.''
* ''K. Dimas; Hatziantoniou, S; Tseleni, S; Khan, H; Georgopoulos, A; Alevizopoulos, K; Wyche, JH; Pantazis, P; Demetzos, C (2007). "Sclareol induces apoptosis in human HCT116 colon cancer cells in vitro and suppression of HCT116 tumor growth in immunodeficient mice". Apoptosis. 12 (4): 685–694. doi:10.1007/s10495-006-0026-8. PMID 17260186.''
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]
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