

352 bytes added, 16:31, 3 January 2020
* The safety of goldenseal in nursing women, children, and people with kidney and liver disease is unknown. A hazardous chemical in goldenseal can cross the placenta and can also find its way into breast milk. Brain damage (kernicterus) has developed in newborn infants exposed to goldenseal. Do not use goldenseal during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
* Side effects include irritation of the mouth and throat, nausea, increased nervousness, and digestive problems. The liquid forms of goldenseal are yellow-orange and can stain.
* Drug Interaction : Like grapefruit juice, Goldenseal is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, which can affect the metabolism of a variety of drugs, increasing their bioavailability.In some cases, this can lead to a fatal interaction with drugs like astemizole or terfenadine.
* Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune) interacts with GOLDENSEAL
* Digoxin (Lanoxin) interacts with GOLDENSEAL
* Several people have been using goldenseal as a remedy for colds and flu. According to studies, the action of goldenseal is towards the integrity of the mucus and sinus membrane. Through this action, the cells that produce the mucus is strengthened preventing over-production which results to runny nose and then clogged nose if there is inflammation. When goldenseal is combined with Echinacea, its effect in slowing down the symptoms and the severity of flu is enhanced.
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