

1,738 bytes added, 06:41, 22 February 2020
There are four types of influenza virus.
*Influenza A : Influenza A viruses cause seasonal flu epidemics practically every year in the United States. They can infect humans and animals.Influenza A is the only type that can cause a pandemic, which is a global spread of disease. Bird flu and swine flu pandemics both resulted from influenza A viruses. An influenza A virus has two surface proteins: hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. These help doctors with classification.
* Influenza B : Influenza B viruses can also cause seasonal epidemics that typically only affect humans. There are two lineages of influenza B: Victoria and Yamagata. Influenza B viruses mutate more slowly than influenza A viruses.
* Influenza C : Influenza C viruses cause mild illnesses — they do not appear to cause epidemics.
* Influenza D : Influenza D viruses mainly affect cattle and do not seem to infect humans.
See also :
* [[feverFever]]
* [[Cold]]
* [[Immunological Disorders]]
== Symptoms ==
Flu symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they vary from person to person. Common symptoms of the flu include:
*nasal congestion
*a cough
*a sore throat
*body aches
*a fever
*vomiting or diarrhea, which are more common in children
Some people experience severe symptoms, which can include:
*chest pain
*shortness of breath
*severe pain
*severe weakness
*a high fever
*severe dizziness
*loss of consciousness
A person who experiences any severe symptom should receive medical attention.
== Home remedies ==
* The Allium family of vegetables, which includes onions, garlic, leeks and scallions, are known to have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects.
* Oils that contain anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties and treat respiratory problems include eucalyptus, ginger, cypress, lemon, cedarwood, tea tree and lavender. Place a few drops of essential oil of choice into a large bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale. Don't get too close as steam can burn the nasal passages.
*[[Zinc]] is necessary for a healthy immune system.
* [[Star Anise]] : The flower-shaped spice contains shikimic acid that is used as a base material for the production of Tamiflu, which is used for influenza virus. It is super powerful as an anti-viral. Take star anise and boil it in water and add it to your teas like green tea or black tea.
* [[Cranberries]] give your immune system a friendly boost by improving T-cell function. T-cells regulate virtually every aspect of the immune response. Mainstream media certainly doesn't report it, but cranberries are a natural alternative to flu vaccines.
* [[ElderberriesElderberry]] are loaded with antioxidants that stimulate the immune system. And it contains anthocyanins. These give it its anti-inflammatory properties. Something that is a must to fight flu symptoms such as aches, pains, and fever. It also has antiviral properties, especially against different strains of influenza virus : In 1995, Elderberry juice was used to treat a flu epidemic in Panama. Scientists even used these powerful berries to help treat AIDS and cancer.
* [[Yin Qiao]] is the premier Chinese herbal formula for treating the initial stages of colds and flu.
* [[Gan Mao Ling]] is a stronger formula for treating flu.
* [[Zong Gan Ling]]
* [[Ma Huang Tang]] contains antipyretic and virus-reducing properties that can address early stages of influenza and upper respiratory tract infection.
== Warnings ==
== References ==
[[Category:infectious disease]]
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