
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

148 bytes added, 13:26, 29 February 2020
* [[Astragalus]] (Astragalus propinquus) this has been shown to be effective against the H1N1 influenza and is used by herbalists worldwide to support to overall immune health.
* [[Lomatium]] is currently used as an antiviral remedy to treat colds, coughs, and infections. The herb is also known for boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation. It is one of the most potent M2 inhibitors known, stronger than pharmaceuticals. Use of the M2 channel is specific to the influenza A virus, which is why the development of blockers for it was considered crucial. Lomatium root has been used as an effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial remedy, it is especially useful in the treatment of respiratory and urinary infections.
* [[Osha]] (Ligusticum porteri) Another very potent antiviral with specific use for influenza, it is also an excellent choice for severe influenza.
* Homeopathy :
**Prophylaxis : The medicine that can prove to be a prophylactic in this pneumonia is [[Chelidonium majus]]. This medicine can be taken by people working closely with SARS patients like doctors, nurses, relatives and colleagues of known patients.
Bureaucrat, administrator