

450 bytes added, 15:08, 8 May 2020
/* The benefits of Lantana are */
* Use well diluted. May cause dermatitis in some individuals.
* Avoid use on sensitive skin
* It Lantana camara is said known to be fatal toxic to livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses, dogs and goats. The active substances causing toxicity in grazing animals is pentacyclic triterpenoids which result in liver damage and photosensitivy. It can be fatal for cattle.  
==The benefits of Lantana are==
This oil is quite rare. It is known to be anti-catarrh, antiviral, antitumor, cicatrizant, emmenagogue, mucolytic.
* Used in massage and energy healing, lantana essential oil helps dissolve solidified emotional energy and allow it to “drain” out through the feet. This can be helpful for treating tumors, cysts, hardened tissues, etc. with an emotional cause.
* Stimulates liver and gallbladder.
* Leishmaniasis : Essential oil from leaves of Lantana camara: a potential source of medicine against leishmaniasis.* Cancer : Beta-elemene (β-elemene) belongs to the sesquiterpenes group, is reported to inhibit mouse pancreatic cancer and neoplastic metasis, and have antitumor effect. 
[[Category:Essential oil]]
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