
Red Root

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[[File:Ceanothus.jpg|thumb|Alt=Ceanothus americanus|350px|left|Ceanothus americanus]]
Other Names : Ceanothus spp., Ceanothus americanus, Ceanothus azureus, Ceanothus coeruleus, Ceanothus herbaceus, Ceanothus ovalis, Ceanothus reclinatus, Ceanothus azureus, Redroot, New Jersey tea, Wild snowball, Redshank, Mountain Lilac, Buckbrush, Snow Brush, and Desert Buckthorn.<br> California native shrub with over thirty different species and hybrids found locally, Ceanothus is found mostly in the North American west, but also in the mid-west and northeast. The most widely used Ceonothus in commerce is the east coast Ceonothus americanus, but western US herbalists have found that the local species work just as well.<br>parts used: root, leaf (less common)<br>See also : [[Ceanothus]] (Homeopathy)
==Special Precautions of Red Root==
*Can be irritating in higher doses; use carefully if undergoing medical treatment for any disease.
Astringent, Alterative, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, expectorant, sedative, antispasmodic, Blood coagulant, Haemostatic, Expectorant, Lymphatic stimulant/tonic, Spleen tonic, Mucus membrane tonic, Hepatic stimulant/tonic, Mild hypotensive and antisyphilitic.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Red Root==
The Cherokee Indians used the root as a digestive tonic, and the Iroquois made a strong decoction from the astringent leaves to stop diarrhea. They also used the root to improve blood flow and to treat colds. Red Root is one of the herbs that is most remarkable when it comes to dealing with the malfunction of the spleen. This plant is a powerful lymphatic and has a direct affinity with that organ. * It encourages the body to get rid of catabolic waste buildup and helps to break up tumors and non-fibrous cysts in the body.* It stimulates the lymph and inter-tissue fluid circulation and is effective on tonsil inflammation, sore throats and enlarged lymph nodes. * It also appears to improve blood coagulation. * It’s astringent properties are helpful in stopping menstrual hemorrhage, nose bleeds and capillary ruptures from coughing and vomiting. * [[Lyme Disease]] : Red Root helps to remove dead cells from the lymphatic system. The herb is particularly useful if in any part of the lymphatic system there is swelling, inflammation or infection. Red Root is used both in the treatment of Lyme disease as well as Babesia coinfection. One of the co-infections of Lyme is Bartonella, where you will see swollen spleen, liver and lymph nodes. Red Root is important in that it clears dead cellular tissue from the lymph system.
* Allopathic medicine discovered it in 1835 – used it as a anti-hemorrhagic astringent – to stop bleeding during operations.
* During the Civil War – used to treat ‘Ague Cake’ – swollen spleen associated with malaria and intermittent fever.
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