
Omega-3 fatty acids

67 bytes added, 05:36, 30 May 2021
* [[EPA]]
* [[flaxseed]]
* [[Camelina]]
* [[Sacha Inchi]]
* [[Fish Oil]]
* [[Oil]]
* [[Omega-6 fatty acids]]
* [[Omega-9 fatty acids]]
* [[Omega-7 fatty acids]]
==Special Precautions of Omega 3 fatty acids==
*Omega-3 fatty acids can interfere with the blood's ability to clot, thus increasing the risk of hemorrhagic strokes. By inhibiting clotting ability, it can also raise the risk for internal bleeding. Supplements should not be taken by anyone on anti-coagulant medication, anyone who has a bleeding disorder, or anyone with uncontrolled high blood pressure, a condition that already places them at greater risk for a stroke. Fish oils also should be discontinued two weeks before having surgery and one week after, to prevent complications from the blood's decreased ability to clot.
Bureaucrat, administrator