

153 bytes added, 14:06, 24 September 2021
/* Special Precautions of Berberine */
* Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Berberine is UNSAFE during pregnancy. It is thought to cross the placenta and may cause harm to the developing child . Brain damage due to too much bilirubin has developed in newborn infants exposed to berberine. Beginning research suggests pregnant women who take Berberine during the first three months of pregnancy increase the risk that their newborns will have birth defects affecting the central nervous system.
* It’s also UNSAFE for breast-feeding mothers to take Berberine as it can be transferred to the infant through breast milk.
* it may cause digestive side effects, such as an upset stomach, constipation, or nausea.
* Berberine can also cause a rash or headache in some people.
==Health benefits and uses of Berberine==
Bureaucrat, administrator