

61 bytes added, 07:43, 17 October 2021
/* Special Precautions of Civet */
The oil of Civet is extracted from the musk or glandular secretion by the castoreum sacs (perineal glands near the testicles of the Civet cats) that enclose the awe-inspiring fragrance in them. Civets are medium built-up carnivorous animals and are members of the Viverridae family along with mongooses, genets and linsangs.
==Special Precautions of Civet==
Extraction of the natural essence requires hurting animals.
==Health Benefits and uses of Civet are==
Civet oil strengthens the Head, Brain, Heart and Spirits wonderfully,” quotes the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis (the New London Dispensatory) by William Salmon in the year 1678. Besides the mesmerizing fragrance, Civet oil has been used throughout the history in the treatment of colic, hysteria, hearing difficulties, loss of libido, stress and in stimulating the power of creative thinking. A 1998 study on “Comparative study in chemical character and fatty acid compositions of masked civet’s fat and nutria’s oil” by Hong Meiling, Yang Chunhua, Wang Lijun and Zou Xinghuai, published in the Journal of Forestry Research concludes that Civet’s oil contains Eicosatetraenoic acid, which is extremely helpful in supporting nutrition and metabolism of human system.>br>
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