

4 bytes added, 08:06, 17 October 2021
/* Health Benefits and uses of Civet are */
**Rest and stress: The nurturing fragrance of Civet oil has the power to stimulate, refurbish and renovate the working of hippocampus that can help in passing appropriate commands to the system to relax, rest, revamp, recuperate and rejoice in your verves. Blend 2 drops of Civet fragrance oil with 1 drop of Ylang Ylang oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil in your diffuser or air freshener, especially before going to bed. This can help one tremendously in tranquilizing the body, mind and the spirit. You can also add 1 drop of this blend to a ball of cotton and keep aside your pillows for peaceful sleep and a fresh morning like never before. Thus, Civet oil can assist in complete rest sans stress.
**Enchanting relationship: Ayurveda, more than just a traditional healing methodology, it is a divine science that insists on leading a disciplined life with responsibility and moral values. The mesmerizing aroma of Civet oil has aphrodisiac, stimulating and tonic properties that inculcate the feeling of love and increased receptivity of being loved. According to Ayurveda, this attention-grabbing aroma of Civet oil has a positive impact on the sacral chakra, which is associated with the endocrine glands including testicles and ovaries. It is physically connected to the genitals, womb, bladder and kidneys. It is responsible for sensuality, pleasure, intimacy, connection and feelings. Adding 3 to 4 drops of Civet fragrance oil along with 1 drop of Frankincense oil and 1 drop of Cinnamon oil to bathing water before going to bed especially with your partner can help in portraying a new love life.
* Other health benefits: Besides these benefits, Civet oil has been used in controlling sweat and the bad odor associated with it, hearing disabilities, colic in children, certain skin disorders, as a stimulant, antispasmodic medicine, for hysteria,...
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