

1,865 bytes added, 14:57, 7 November 2021
Other names : Carvacrol, Dostenkraut, European Oregano, Huile d’Origan, Marjolaine Bâtarde, Marjolaine Sauvage, Marjolaine Vivace, Mediterranean Oregano, Mountain Mint, Oil of Oregano, Oregano Oil, Organy, Origan, Origan Européen, Origani Vulgaris Herba, Origano, Origanum, Origanum vulgare, Phytoprogestin, Thé Sauvage, Thym des Bergers, Wild Marjoram, Winter Marjoram, Wintersweet.<br>See also [[Oregano Essential Oil]]
==Special Precautions of Oregano==
* Oregano is one of the natural blood thinners. It may inhibit blood clotting.*Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.*There is moderate risk for mucous membrane irritation. * There is a moderate risk of skin sensitization and Tisserand and Young recommend a dermal maximum of 1.1%. They advise not to use topically on children age 2 or younger or for those with hypersensitive/diseased/damaged skin. Just remember oil of oregano should be diluted before applying it directly to your skin, Typically, this will be one teaspoon of olive or coconut oil per drop of oregano oil. Make oregano oil a regular part of your home first aid kit. Having a 50/50 mixture of olive oil and oregano oil already prepared will leave you prepared for health issues that arise.
* Oregano oil can be very effective against infections ([[Candidiasis]]), but it can also kill good bacteria so use with caution.
* [[Eugenol]] can be potentially dangerous when ingested in higher amounts. It is hepatotoxic and can have several dangerous side-effects.
* Poses a drug interaction hazard.
* Don't confuse with [[Marjoram]].
==The benefits of Oregano are==
*Cancer : Oregano also contains rosmarinic acid which has very strong cancer fighting properties.
* [[Prostate Cancer]] : Contains carvacrol. This compound is found in an array of plants and herbs including wild bergamot, [[thyme]] and pepperwort. But it’s most abundant in oregano. Carvacrol induces apoptosis or cell suicide in prostate cells. The higher the concentration, the more cell death.
* [[Warts]] : One of the more common uses of oregano oil is its ability to safely remove warts. Oregano oil is very strong and can burn the skin if used undiluted. When using oregano oil for removing warts, make sure to dilute it in a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. Try mixing five drops of oregano oil in 20 drops of olive oil and carefully apply it on the wart using a cotton swab. Apply the oil mixture twice a day until the wart dries up and falls off on its own.
* Aches and Pains : Whether arthritis, backaches, bursitis, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sore muscles, and sports injuries, oil of oregano can be used topically to penetrate the skin and help relieve the pain that may be causing your issue. Rub a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and organic olive oil onto the affected areas.
*[[Cold]] Prevention and Treatment : When you begin to notice that itchy feeling in the back of your throat and feel a cold is on its way, place 3-6 drops of oil in an empty capsule and take 2-3x daily just before meals every day for 5-10 days.
* [[Respiratory Diseases]] : its carvacrol and rosmarinic acid content are natural decongestants and histamine reducers that have direct, positive benefits on the respiratory tract and nasal passage airflow.
*Digestive Issues : Place 3-6 drops of oil in an empty capsule and take 2-3x daily, just before meals. The high levels of thymol and carvacrol found in the oil can help to calm upset stomachs and assist with digestion.
*[[Ear Infections]] : Rub a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and organic olive oil on the outside of the ear. For children, a 25% oregano oil and 75% olive oil mix should be used. Never put oregano oil directly in the ear canal!
*Insect Bites and Stings : Preparing for a hike? Take along a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and olive oil. It can help neutralize and extract the venom from any insect bite or sting, and may even assist with allergic reactions from wasp or bee stings. Simply apply to the swollen area.
* Norovirus : Carvacrol can effectively break down the tough outer wall of norovirus. Research led by Dr. Kelly Bright at the University of Arizona indicates that carvacrol could potentially be used as a food and surface sanitizer. Carvacrol's ability to break down the external proteins of the virus means that norovirus would be unlikely to ever develop resistance. Additionally, carvacrol is safe and non-corrosive. These findings are especially interesting, because they indicate that carvacrol could be applied as a safe surface sanitizer in place of bleach in schools, day cares, hospitals, rehab facilities and similar institutions where norovirus is typically spread.
*[[Migraine]] and Sinus Headaches : The next time you get a headache, try rubbing a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil between your eyebrows and on your forehead and temples (do NOT get any in your eyes!) You can also sniff the fumes of the oil to provide further assistance to your sinuses.
*Minor Burns : Oregano oil can provide pain relief instantly and may prevent blisters. Combine 1 drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the affected area.
* [[Colitis]] : A combination of thyme and oregano oils shows promise in the treatment of colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disease).
* [[Candidiasis]] : In laboratory research, scientists have shown that oregano oil may help fight the growth of candida.
* [[Aromatherapy]] for Kapha and Vata Imbalance.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[category:Antioxidant]][[Category:Aromatic]][[Category:Diuretic]][[Category:Essential oilStomachic]][[Category:Aromatherapyanti-angiogenic]]
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