

25 bytes added, 16:41, 7 November 2021
File:Phlomis syriaca.jpg
The genus Phlomis L. belongs to the Lamiaceae family and encompasses 100 species native to Turkey,North Africa, Europe and Asia. All parts of the Phlomis plants are used including the leaves (Phlomis aspera, Phlomis cephalotes . . .), the flowers (Phlomis aspera, Phlomis rotata . . .), the seeds (Phlomis cephalotes) and the roots (Phlomis nepetaefolia). They are used as a decoction, an infusion or as a juice. The flowers of some Phlomis species are sweet and are consumed directly or sucked (Phlomis purpurea subsp. purpurea, Phlomis cephalotes). The leaves of Phlomis cephalotes are used to prepare an herb-pot.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Phlomis==
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