
Wine Pomace

112 bytes added, 15:19, 28 December 2021
*Anti-inflammatory activity : Several studies also suggest that the polyphenols present in grape pomace have anti-inflammatory activity. This could be of interest in the management of certain inflammatory conditions such as colitis. Further studies are in progress.
* Other benefits under study : The compounds in grape pomace could have many secrets to reveal. In any case, this is what the many studies carried out in recent years suggest. It would seem in particular that the grape pomace can have antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition to its lipid-lowering action, it could also have an interest in the fight against other metabolic disorders.
==Main Combinations==
Cellulite : Wine Pomace + [[Pineapple]] + [[Meadowsweet]] + [[Birch]] + [[Green Coffee]]
[[Category:Herbal medicine]]
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