

647 bytes added, 09:20, 29 December 2021
[[File:Borage.JPG|thumb|350px|left|Borage]]Other Names: Bee Plant, Beebread, Borage Flower, Borage Leaf, Borage Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Borago, Borago officinalis, Borraja, Bourrache, Bourrache Commune, Burage, Burrage, Common Borage, Common Bugloss, Cool Tankard, Feuille de Bourrache, Fleur de Bourrache, Huile de Bourrache, Huile de Graines de Bourrache, Langue de Bœuf, Ox's Tongue, Pain-des-Abeilles, Talewort, Starflower, Starflower Oil., Liu Li Ju, 琉璃苣, 琉璃苣, 玻璃苣, لسان الثور, حمحم, Borač, Boražina, Volujsko uho, Brotnák, Bořeč, ボリジ, ルリヂサ,Boriji, Ruridisa, ದೊಡ್ಡಪತ್ರೆ, 보리지, Poriji, Doddapatreلِسَان الْثَوْر, حِمْحِم, Lisaan ath-Thaur, Lisan al-Thaur, Огуречная трава, Огуречник аптечный, Ogurechnaya trava, Ogurechnik aptechnyj Himhim, Hamham, Berroya, Borrai<br>Borage is a plant. Its flowers and leaves, as well as the oil from its seeds are used as medicine.<br>See also : [[Borage Seed Oil]]
==Special Precautions of Borage==
* Borage seed oil is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults and children as long as it is free of dangerous chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs)Potentially unsafe. Borage plant parts including the leaf, flowersuch as flowers, leaves and seed can seeds may contain PAs. PAs pyrrolizidine alkaloids that can damage the liver or and may be a cause of cancer, especially when used if taken in high doses or for a long timeexcess amount and prolonged period. Only use products * Possibly safe. Processed Borage seed oil that are certified to be pyrrolizidine alkaloid free are considered to be safe both for topical application and labeled PA-freeby ingestion.*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s important to avoid borage products that might contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs)May cause allergic reaction. PAs are a risk to the mother Borage because they can cause serious liver disease of its hairy or bristly leaves and might stems may cause cancer. PAs are also a risk skin allergic reaction to the infant because they might cause birth defects and they can pass into breast milksensitive people. Researchers aren’t even sure if borage products .* Children: Borage seed oil that are certified PA-as pyrrolizidine alkaloid free are safe during pregnancy can be used safely to children.* Pregnancy and breast-feeding. It’s best to stay safe and avoid using borage.*Bleeding disorders: There is some concern that borage seed oil might prolong bleeding time and increase are no sufficient studies done to determine the risk safe use of bruising and bleedingBorage herbal medicine during pregnancy. If you have Although Borage has been used to promote milk production for breast feeding mothers, it is still best to consult your pediatrician or a bleeding disorder, competent health practitioner before use borage with caution.*Liver disease: Borage products containing hepatotoxic may contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) might make that can cause or worsen existing liver disease worsediseases.*Surgery: Borage might increase the risk Just like in any other herbal medicines, moderation of bleeding during and after surgeryuse is recommended. Stop taking borage at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgeryProlonged use is discouraged.* Medications that increase the break down of other medications by the liver (Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inducers) interacts with BORAGE* Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with BORAGE* Medications used during surgery (Anesthesia) interacts with BORAGE
==Benefits and uses of Borage are==
Borage seed oil is also loaded with macronutrients, including vitamins A and C, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and choline, and also contains a fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)proteins, fiber, minerals and other plant compounds. GLA seems to have Vitamin C in borage makes it valuable for its anti-inflammatory effects. Borage flower might have an antioxidant effectoxidant property while vitamin A is known to promote good eye sight.* Improving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) when Diuretic. Borage is used with other medications that reduce pain to remove excess liquid from the body, and swelling (anti-inflammatory medications). There is some evidence that taking borage seed oil in combination with conventional painkilling or anti-inflammatory medications might believed to help decrease symptoms of RA after six weeks of treatmentremove toxins. The improvement appears to last for up to 24 weeks* Sudorific. Improvement Borage is measured as a decrease in known to contain choline that stimulates the number glands that produce sweat and severity cools the body. Because of tender this cooling property of borage, it is used to treat fever, bronchitis, colds and swollen jointsflu.* Improving the function of the lungs in critically ill patientsto treat arthritis. There Borage is some evidence that borage seed oil, when taken rich in combination essential fatty acids that help to relieve pain associated with eicosapentaenoic arthritis.* sedative action. Borage contains niacin or nicotinic-acid (EPA)that may have positive effects against anxiety, might reduce the number stress and nervousness.* Another disease that may be caused by lack of days spent in fatty acids is macular degeneration. Borage may also be used for the intensive care unit (ICU) prevention and the length treatment of time a breathing machine is needed by patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)macular degeneration.*Improving being studied on its effect to breast cancer. * Rich in omega-6 fatty acid that is found to have positive effect against breast tumor growth and development .* Used in premature infantsthe treatment of prostate gland inflammation such as prostatitis. Infant formula supplemented with fatty acids from borage oil * Promotes digestion and fish oils seems helps to improve growth relieve stomach aches such as gastritis and development irritable bowel syndrome.* Used to treat skin infections and inflammation such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, pimples, herpes, nail fungus, etc.* A poultice of the nervous system in infants born earlycrushed Borage leaves is also used to relieve insect bites and stings, especially boysreduce swelling and bruising and is also helpful for clearing up boils and rashes.== References ==* Borage tea is also used to promote milk production for lactating mothers* Borage is also used to treat hangover
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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