
Hair Loss

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/* Home remedies */
[[File:Alopecia.jpg|thumb|500px|left|Types of Alopecia]]
See also : [[Alopecia Areata]]
== Causes and Symptoms ==
Hair loss of about 50 to 100 strands daily is normal. There can be many factors linked to accelerated hair loss, including: *medications and chemotherapy, * genetics, * fad diets, * chronic stress, * hormonal imbalances (Too much estrogen can trigger male pattern baldness. Your body tries to compensate for the feminizing effects of rising estrogen by converting it into the hormone DHT (evil Twin of Testosteron), which is 10 times stronger than testosterone), nutritional deficiencies, and poor scalp circulation.* Meat : Hormonal imbalances are a primary culprit in hair loss. Japanese researchers also link excessive sebum production in the scalp to high levels of 5-alpha reductase. Their research indicated that animal fat intake may increase sebum production.* Smoking Causes Hair Loss : Smoking cigarettes reduces the blood flow to the scalp and this causes a reduction in hair growth. Stop smoking to help hair grow.* Drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. Reduce or eliminate alcohol from the diet and you will see an increase in hair growth.* underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause thinning hair
== Home remedies ==
*[[Rosemary ]] essential oil has been traditionally used to increase circulation to the scalp. Add a few drops per dollop Just like many other spices Rosemary has great benefits for the hair. It helps to promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation in your scalp thus allowing the hair follicles to breathe and function well. Rosemary has also been known to reduce early graying. The herb can be infused in oil, and then rubbed into the scalp and roots, and then the rest of shampoo the hair.* Combination of [[Brewer's Yeast]] + [[Alfalfa]] + [[Stinging Nettle]] (leaf) or conditionerspecific hair loss in men [[brewer's Yeast]] + [[alfalfa]] + [[Serenoa repens]]* [[Bhringaraj Oil]] is touted as a natural solution for hair loss and prematurely graying hair. Using bhringaraj oil is purported to increase the hair's thickness and luster as well.
*[[Emu Oil]] stimulates hair growth
*Fo-Ti or [[He Shou WuAmla Oil]] (Polygonum Multiflorum) has been used by Chinese practitioners for hundreds of years for thinning : Some people also use amla oil to fight hair loss and baldnessretard prematurely graying hair.* Zhi Shou Wu or Fleece flower root promotes circulation, benefits the blood and will encourage [[Stinging Nettle]]: Traditionally used to treat hereditary hair growthloss. *Dong Quai (Angelica) is also known as Dan guiTake nettle tablets daily. This herb Most male pattern baldness is used caused by testosterone being converted into DHT. The Stinging Nettle has been found to have properties that stop testosterone from being converted into DHT. This is the hormone which is responsible for hair loss in many men and some women. Nettle can leave a bitter taste in your mouth, so always drink two glasses of water with every tablet. The Native Americans used it a lot which is said why you don’t see too many Native Americans with hair loss problems or having to stimulate re-growthget hair transplants.*Nu Zhen Zi (Ligustrum Lucidum) is considered a Yin kidney and liver tonicRecent research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food has revealed that Korean red ginseng naturally stimulates hair follicles. In China, it is used * B Vitamins Increase Hair Growth : [[Biotin]] and the complex B vitamins are needed to improve grow hair. B3 helps increase circulation to the scalp, help with thereby encouraging hair restoration and prevent hair lossgrowth.*Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra Chinensis) It is best to take a widely used herbal tonic usedsupplement that includes all of the B vitamins, among other things, as called a cure for baldness. It has been used as a hair restorative for centuriesB complex supplement, said to build the quality of as the skin on the scalpnutrients work synergistically.* Reishi mushroom is often combined [[Vitamin D]] keeps your hormones running smoothly, so it’s no wonder that it can help keep you from losing your hair. Researchers in one study found that vitamin D may help stem cells grow new hair tonics along with Fo-ti and other Chinese herbs to promote follicles in mice. Its receptors are crucial for hair growth and prevent balding. Find So while this vitamin won’t help you grow back hair that you have already lost, it at Chinese herbal shops where may keep you would also buy Fo-tifrom losing any more.* Additional Chinese herbs used Going out in natural hair restoration products and herbal tonics include Thallus algae, a type of seaweed high in micronutrients; Morus albus or Mulberry fruit spike, used to prevent the premature graying of hair; Stinging nettle, which provides important minerals sun and nutrients getting active is an excellent way to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth; Rehmannia glutinosaget this vitamin. But you can also get it from eggs, Angelica sinensis, Eclipta prostratea, Sesame indicumcold water fish, and Salvia miltiorrhizamushrooms.*Stinging nettle: Traditionally used [[Vitamin E]] is another nutrient needed to treat hereditary grow hair loss. It stimulates the circulation in the scalp and can be taken internally or applied to the scalp.* Biotin encourages [[Vitamin A]] helps create vibrant shiny hair because it works with the fat synthesis in the hair follicles and scalp healthspurs hair growth. Dietary sources of biotin Foods that contain vitamin A include: nutseggs, brown ricekale, squash, and oatscarrots. * [[Iron ]] is also essential for hair growth and can be found in blackstrap molasses, green leafy vegetables, leeks, cashews, dried fruits, figs, and berries. To help your body absorb iron, you’ll need vitamin C, which you can obtain from citrus fruits, strawberries, and red peppers.
* The minerals silica and zinc are also critical for hair growth. Take 500 mg of silica two times daily and 30 mg of zinc once daily.
* One study found that people with alopecia areata, a disease that causes patchy hair loss, who put [[lavender]] oil on their scalps had significant hair re-growth compared to those who did not apply the oil.
* [[Burdock Root]] is effective for hair growth because it purifies the blood.
* [[Saw palmetto]] : A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that saw palmetto (serenoa repens) may increase hair growth in men. Take saw palmetto capsules twice daily. Saw palmetto prevents DHT from forming and allows more proteins to penetrate your hair follicles, resulting in thicker hair.* [[Scorzonera]] : The high levels of iron and copper found in salsify mean that your circulation will improve, as iron and copper are both essential for the creation of red blood cells. More RBC means more oxygenation to important tissues and organs, including the follicle beds. Salsify has been shown to stimulate the re-growth of hair. Furthermore, copper on its own has been linked to increasing hair strength and a reduction in premature graying.* [[Kiwifruit]] is said to be effective in hair care and hair regrowing, and it can help treat hair loss, alopecia areata (balding), dry hair and premature hair graying.* [[Green Tea]] boosts the immune system and stimulates hair growth. Green tea contains catechins and flavonols which can reduce DHT and cholesterol. Take two tablets an hour before meals for maximum effectScientists speculate that EGCG tackles that enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase, that we know produces DHT. The effect By inhibiting that enzyme, they hypothesise, EGCG lowers the overall level of one green tea tablet is equal DHT – and allows your hair follicles to seven cups of green teastay in their “growth phase” for longer.
* [[Ginkgo Biloba]] : Rich in antioxidants, Ginkgo provides increased blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp, strengthening and stimulating the hair shaft.
* Essential Oils : A mixture of essential oils including rosemary, cedarwood, lavender and thyme can be applied to the scalp to stimulate blood flow and hair growth. Never apply the essential oils directly to the skin; rather, first mix three to six drops of each oil in a base such as almond, jojoba or olive oil. Apply the oil mixture nightly to encourage an increase in blood flow and strengthen the existing hair shafts.
*Those suffering from [[Coconut]] oil is anti-microbial and anti-fungal. Applying it directly to your scalp helps keep it free of germs and dirt that can clog or damage your follicles. It does this without the harsh chemicals found in most hair loss care products. Yet it’s so strong that it has actually been used to treat head lice. If you use it before or baldnessafter washing your hair, may research shows that coconut oil can significantly reduce protein damage. You can pre-wash your hair with it to help clean your scalp of bacteria and buildup. It will also make your hair stronger and more resilient. No bad smell. No harsh chemicals.* [[Essential Fatty Acids]] : Essential fatty acids from walnuts, flaxseeds, fish and avocado are also important for healthy hair.*apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was found to be effective even if kept on for 5 minutes.
* Soybeans contain the organic compound isoflavones which prevents the over production of DHT. Tofu has the highest amount of isoflavones. Consume at least four tofu dishes a week.
* Apply pumpkin seed oil to your scalp before bedtime for two to four months. When applied generously to the scalp, this oil stops the production of DHT. It also inhibits DHT through the liver.
* Take nettle tablets daily[[MSM]] : Methylsulfonylmethane aids in the production of keratin (a protein in the hair) while doing double-duty to strengthen hair follicles. Aside from it's healing properties*[[Fo-ti]] or [[Ho Shou Wu]] (Polygonum Multiflorum) has been used by Chinese practitioners for hundreds of years for thinning hair and baldness.* Zhi Shou Wu or Fleece flower root promotes circulation, this herb reduces DHT benefits the blood and thickens will encourage hairgrowth. Nettle can leave *[[Dong Quai]] (Angelica) is also known as Dan gui. This herb is used to stop hair loss and is said to stimulate re-growth.*[[Nu Zhen Zi]] (Ligustrum Lucidum) is considered a bitter taste in your mouthYin kidney and liver tonic. In China, so always drink two glasses of water it is used to improve circulation to the scalp, help with every tablethair restoration and prevent hair loss.* Take saw palmetto capsules twice daily[[Wu Wei Zi]] (Schisandra Chinensis) is a widely used herbal tonic used, among other things, as a cure for baldness. Saw palmetto prevents DHT from forming It has been used as a hair restorative for centuries, said to build the quality of the skin on the scalp.* [[Reishi]] mushroom is often combined in hair tonics along with Fo-ti and allows more proteins other Chinese herbs to penetrate your promote hair folliclesgrowth and prevent balding. Find it at Chinese herbal shops where you would also buy Fo-ti.* Additional Chinese herbs used in natural hair restoration products and herbal tonics include Thallus algae, resulting a type of seaweed high in thicker micronutrients; Morus albus or Mulberry fruit spike, used to prevent the premature graying of hair; Stinging nettle, which provides important minerals and nutrients to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth; Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica sinensis, Eclipta prostratea, Sesame indicum, and Salvia miltiorrhiza.
* [[Amla]] oil is a natural substance often used to promote hair health. Some people also use amla oil to fight hair loss and retard prematurely graying hair. When used as a hair treatment, amla oil is typically applied directly to the scalp.
* researchers found that giving [[vitamin D]] to lab mice helped stem cells grow new hair follicles
* [[Horsetail]] : silica in Horsetail may help promote hair growth and strength and may also be beneficial for hair loss, dandruff, and split ends.
* Red Pepper (topical) – used throughout the ages, this common skin irritant works to attract blood and nutrients to the scalp and also promotes the release of histamines that stimulate cell division and hair growth.
* [[Onion]] Juice (topical): Ok, we admit it. This one does not sound pleasant. But onion juice really can make your hair grow.One study showed that applying onion juice to the scalp twice a day caused hair regrowth in almost 90 percent of subjects. And they started seeing results in only six weeks. Like coconut oil, onion juice cleans the scalp. But it can also increase circulation and nourish hair follicles because it is rich in catalase. This antioxidant may help get rid of the hydrogen peroxide buildup associated with thinning and greying hair. As you can probably imagine, your hair may not smell great after trying this. Make sure to do this before washing your hair.
* [[Apples]] : a procyanidin, labeled B-2, from apples promotes hair growth, in the cell model.
* Drink Water to Grow Hair : The hair shaft is comprised of one quarter water. Drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.
* [[Parsley]] essential oil, when massaged into the scalp, may reduce hair loss.
* underactive thyroid gland ([[hypothyroidism]]) can cause thinning hair: Add sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, kombu and wakame, all of which are rich in iodine may be helpful to balance this condition. Avoid drinking tap water since it typically contains fluorine and chlorine, two chemicals that inhibit iodine absorption. You may also want to supplement with 100 mg or 1 mL of the herb bladderwrack (focus vesiculosus) daily. Work with a qualified holistic health care professional if you suspect a sluggish thyroid gland.
* [[Yogurt]] and eggs : is high in milk fat and lactic acid and eggs are packed with proteins and fats and. As in matter in fact the proteins in the eggs are of high quality and can hardly be found in other food. The combination of these two is perfect for a homemade mask for hair (dry and damaged). Actually this homemade hair mask it enhances the growth of hair keeping it clean, well moisturized and in good condition overall. It also regulates the greasiness and softness hair, supplying hair with calcium and protein making it shine and healthy.
* [[Honey]] is also a great way to maintain and grow hair, on the grounds that it has a lot of supplements and vitamins E, K, C, B1, B2, and B6, and bananas are incredible in the battle against the split parts. Eggs, bananas, honey, and brew are incredible for the soundness of your hair. Beer also contains malt, bounces and yeast and the whole range of B vitamins in huge amounts, micronutrients, for example, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, which are extraordinary for fortifying and development of hair. Blend all ingredients in a blender and then apply the blend on your hair, wrap, and hold 1-2 hours. After wash your hair as usual and it is recommended that this mask for hair growth should be practiced once a week. What you need for the recipe:
**1 egg (or only the yolk)
**1 banana
**1/2 cup dark beer
**1 tablespoon honey
*[[Aloe Vera]] is a great natural moisturizer that was used in every day Native life for protecting the hair and the body from the sun and other harsh weather conditions, and also keeping the hair soft and silky. This was one of the main ways that native americans used to keep their hair healthy. Aloes are also edible and very good immune boosters and toxic cleansers.
== Warnings ==
 == References ==Not all forms of hair loss are the result of genetics or old age, in fact, excessive hair loss or unusual hair thinning can sometimes be a symptom of a disease, especially if you have always had healthy, thick hair : [[Coeliac Disease]], Malnutrition, [[Cushing’s Syndrome]], [[Thyroid Disease]]s, [[Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)]]
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