
Saw palmetto

5,974 bytes added, 07:59, 31 December 2021
/* Main Combinations */
[[File:Sawpalmetto.jpg|thumb|350px|left|Saw palmetto]]Other Names: American Dwarf Palm Tree, Baies du Chou Palmiste, Baies du Palmier Scie, Cabbage Palm, Chou Palmiste, Ju-Zhong, Palma Enana Americana, Palmier de Floride, Palmier Nain, Palmier Nain Américain, Palmier Scie, Sabal, Sabal Fructus, Sabal serrulata, Saw Palmetto Berry, Serenoa repens, Serenoa serrulata<br>Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata) is a dwarf palm plant native to North America. It grows to about two to four feet in height, with fan-shaped leaves and berries. The oil of saw palmetto is medicinally active.It comes in capsule, softgel, and tablet form and is often combined with other ingredients that help enhance prostate health, such as pumpkin seed extract .
==Special Precautions of Saw palmetto==
*The most common side effects Saw palmetto is generally considered safe and has been associated with saw palmetto use are mild digestive distressvery few side effects, including stomach painbut if you have any underlying health conditions, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomitingare taking certain medications, or bad breath. *There have been rare case reports describing liver inflammationare pregnant or breastfeeding, pancreatitis, jaundice, headache, dizziness, insomnia, depression, breathing difficulties, muscle pain, high blood pressure, chest pain, abnormal heart rhythm, blood clots, and heart disease, but they haven't been clearly caused by be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before supplementing with saw palmetto. *Some men taking of the most commonly reported side effects of saw palmetto have reported erectile dysfunctionin research studies include headache, breast tenderness or enlargementdizziness, and changes in sexual desire. Although it hasn't been well-demonstrated in humansnausea, saw palmetto may influence levels of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Until we know more, people with hormone-sensitive conditions, such as breast cancer, should use cautionconstipation (23).*At least two case reports have linked Note that saw palmetto with severe bleedingis not recommended for everyone. People with bleeding disorders or **For example, women who are taking anticoagulant pregnant or antiplatelet medications ("blood-thinners") such as warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, or clopidogrel (Plavix) breastfeeding should avoid taking saw palmetto unless under medical supervision. It should also be avoided at least two weeks before or after surgery, as it may impact hormone levels (24). *The safety of *Because it may alter hormone levels, saw palmetto may not be suitable for pregnant those taking hormone replacement therapy or nursing women, children, or people with kidney or liver disease hasn't been establishedhormonal contraceptives either. * Birth control pills More research is needed to evaluate its potential effects (Contraceptive drugs25) interacts with SAW PALMETTO.* Estrogens interacts Saw palmetto may also interfere with SAW PALMETTO* Medications that slow blood clotting -thinning medications, such as warfarin or Coumadin, which can increase bleeding risk (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs26) interacts with SAW PALMETTO.<br>
==The benefits Benefits of Saw palmetto are==* Prevents [[Hair Loss]] : Hair loss is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, certain medical conditions, hormonal changes, and the use of medications, such as stimulants and blood thinners (1). Saw palmetto is often used primarily as to balance hormone levels and combat hair loss. According to one review, saw palmetto may help block the activity of 5-alpha reductase (5α-R), an enzyme that converts testosterone into a treatment hormone linked to hair loss called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It may also prevent hair loss by reducing the uptake of DHT in the hair follicles, which decreases its ability to bind to specific hormone receptors (2).In one study, saw palmetto was effective at improving hair growth in 60% of men with male pattern baldness between the ages of 23 and 64 (3). Another study in 62 adults showed that applying saw palmetto topically for [[3 months increased hair density by 35% (2).* Improves urinary tract function : Urinary tract symptoms are common among older men and can include issues like incontinence and difficulty urinating (4). Saw palmetto may improve urinary symptoms associated with benign prostatic prostate hyperplasia]] (BPH)— a condition that causes an enlargement of the prostate gland and results in decreased urine flow. Symptoms One 12-week study in 92 men showed that taking two capsules daily of Prostataplex, a mix of herbal supplements that includes saw palmetto, helped improve urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH include frequent urination(5). Similarly, difficulty starting urinationanother study in 85 men over the age of 45 found that treatment with 160 mg of saw palmetto twice daily reduced lower urinary tract symptoms, dribbling increased urine flow, and improved overall quality of life after urination6 months (6). However, weak more research is needed to determine whether saw palmetto may also improve urinary streamtract function in the general population, including for those without prostate issues.* May Support Prostate Health : The prostate is a small gland located between the bladder and the penis in men, which is responsible for maintaining sperm health (7). Some research suggests that saw palmetto could support prostate health and may aid in preventing issues like BPH and prostate cancer. According to one test-tube study, saw palmetto berry extract was able to decrease the growth of prostate cancer cells (8). Another test-tube study showed that saw palmetto blocked the spread and growth of prostate cancer cells by deactivating specific receptors involved in cancer development (9). Other human and animal studies indicate that it may be effective at reducing urinary symptoms and inflammation related to BPH as well (5, 6, 10). Yet, some studies don't associate saw palmetto with a lower risk of prostate cancer and observe that it may be ineffective at decreasing symptoms of BPH (11, 12, 13). Further high-quality research is needed to evaluate how saw palmetto may affect prostate health in humans.* May Decrease Inflammation : Saw palmetto contains the antioxidants epicatechin and methyl gallate — compounds that prevent damage to cells, decrease inflammation, and protect against chronic disease (14, 15). Some research shows that saw palmetto may have anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial in treating certain conditions. For example, one study observed that giving saw palmetto extract to mice with enlarged prostate glands decreased swelling and waking up several times markers of inflammation, including interleukin 6 (IL-6) (10). Another study in obese rats with BPH found that saw palmetto was effective at night decreasing inflammation and improving antioxidant status (16). Although these results are promising, additional studies are needed to urinatedetermine how saw palmetto may impact inflammation in humans.* May Help Regulate Testosterone Levels : Saw palmetto is often used by men looking to boost testosterone levels naturally. Regulating testosterone levels can impact several aspects of health, including body composition, sex drive, mood, and cognition (17). Testosterone levels decline with age, and some research shows that low levels of testosterone could contribute to conditions like heart disease (18). Saw palmetto works by decreasing the activity of 5α-R — an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), another sex hormone, to help preserve testosterone levels in the body (19). One test-tube study found that the effectiveness of saw palmetto extract was comparable to finasteride in preserving testosterone levels. Finasteride is a medication used to treat hair loss and BPH by reducing the activity of 5α-R (20). Another study in 40 men observed that treatment with saw palmetto decreased levels of DHT by 32% after 6 months, suggesting that saw palmetto was effective at maintaining testosterone levels (21).==Main Combinations==*Hair loss in men: [[Brewer's Yeast]] + [[alfalfa]] + Serenoa repens*Prostate problems : [[Stinging Nettle Root]] + [[Pumpkin seeds]] oil + Serenoa repens*Prostate hypertrophy : [[Stinging Nettle Root]] + Saw palmetto
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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