

86 bytes added, 06:12, 4 January 2022
Astragalus is a Chinese herb whose root is used primarily for the treatment of chronic immune problems. It contains a variety of phytonutrients, such as flavonoids, saponins and polysaccharides, that stimulate factors of the immune system, thereby, quickening a patient's recovery from a damaged immune system. Astragalus can be used alone or in combination with other herbs in the forms of decoctions, herbal teas, capsules and tablets. If you want to use astragalus, consult with your doctor first.
* [[Immunological Disorders]] : Although more evidence is needed, one of the ways astragalus is thought to work is by increasing the production of immune cells. It may also have mild antiviral activity and help with the prevention of colds. There's little evidence from human studies, however, on the effectiveness of astragalus as an antiviral. Similar to Echinacea, astragalus boosts immunity by increasing the levels of certain types of immune cells that fight pathogenic invaders. These include macrophages and natural killer cells; the former goes around "consuming" microbial enemies, while the latter attacks and destroys viruses and cancer cells.
* Stress : Astragalus is considered adaptogenic [[adaptogen]]ic because it helps your body build up energy that resists stress and fatigue. It can also be used for rebuilding the body following illness. Basically astragalus encourages the production of adrenal hormones, especially cortisol, which helps the body cope with physical and emotional stress.
* Cancer : Astragalus may boost immune response in patients with cancer and increase their body's ability to kill cancer cells, according to a 2003 study conducted by Samantha Dodd, which was published on the University of Colorado, Denver, website. However, the available scientific evidence, which indicates astragalus may be useful in the treatment of cancer, mostly comes from laboratory and animal studies. More human trials are needed to confirm that these results also apply to humans.
* Used in [[Fu Zheng Therapy]]
* Anti-Aging : The astragalus root contains cycloastragenols and astragalosides, two powerful molecules that have been implicated in activating telomerase enzyme production. Research suggests that large doses of these molecules have the potential to not only prevent telomere depletion but to actually rebuild the telomere that has been already lost. While a patented form of the highly-concentrated extract called "TA-65" is available through a proprietary regimen, other extracts and derivative formulas are hitting the supplement market that contain potent levels of these isolated molecules as well. Certain specific varieties of astragalus root naturally contain high levels of these powerful molecules and the extracts can be purchased inexpensively in bulk powders or in capsules.Heavy doses of astragalus extract that is rich in astragalosides are said to have the same effect as TA-65 in rejuvenating telomere growth and increasing the amount of telomere base pairs. In other words, the extract is capable of turning back the age clock.
* Prevents colds : In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), astragalus is used to help prevent colds and upper respiratory infections. Chinese clinical studies revealed that astragalus was effective at preventing common colds. One particular study in China covering 1,000 subjects with inhbited immunity found that those who consumed astragalus (tablets or nasal sprays) experienced fewer cold outbreaks and less severe symptoms.
==Main Combinations==In nephroprotection, renal failure : [[Desmodium adscendens]] + Astragalus + [[Orthosiphon]]
==Used in Patent medecines==
* [[Gui Pi Tang]]
* [[Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan]]
* [[Qingxin Lianzi Yin]]
*[[Yu Ping Feng San]]==Recommended Products==* [[Bao Yuan Tang]]{{#widget:Iframe* [[Wu Ji Bai Feng Wan]]|url=* [[Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang]]|width=300* [[Myomin]]|height=250|border=0}}
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Deep Immune Activator]]
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