

221 bytes added, 10:14, 4 January 2022
/* Main Combinations */
* Not to use on or near the face of infants and children.
* Recommended dermal maximum of 16.5% for Rosemary Camphor and 6.5% for Rosemary Verbenone.
 ==The benefits Health Benefits and Uses of Rosemary are==
This pine-like herb does more than just spice up a roast of beef,
* it offers anti-inflammatory protection to the delicate human brain. Research proves rosemary’s ability to increase blood flow to the head and brain, thereby improving concentration.
* reducing heterocyclic amines when cooking food at high temperatures.
* Carnosic acid, a component found within Rosemary, inhibits HIV-1 protease.
==Main Combinations==
*Intestinal spasm : [[Turmeric]] + [[Garden Angelica]] + Rosemary
* Stomach cramps : [[Garden Angelica]] + Rosemary
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