

385 bytes added, 14:24, 13 November 2011
Coumarin is found in several plants, including tonka beans, lavender, [[licorice]], [[strawberries]], [[apricot]]s, [[cherries]], [[cinnamon]], [[chamomile]] and sweet clover.
==Special Precautions of Coumarin==
Coumarin should not be taken while using anticoagulants. It should not be combined with warfarin or other medications or supplements that have the same effect or be used by people with bleeding disorders. It shouldn't be used two weeks before or after surgery. Avoid combination with other Herbal remedies that slow blood clotting like [[garlic]], devil’s claw, [[papaya]], [[ginger]], ginkgo, red clover and Asian or Siberian [[ginseng]].
==The benefits of Coumarin are==
Coumarin has blood-thinning, anti-fungicidal and anti-tumor activities. Coumarin increases the blood flow in the veins and decreases capillary permeability. Coumarin can be toxic when used at high doses for a long period