
Infectious Diseases

45 bytes removed, 17:41, 1 December 2011
/* Home remedies */
* Apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon/lime provide an abundance of alkaline salts and have natural anti-septic properties. (e.g. against candida infections)
*Cultured Cabbage Juice Prepare a sterilized 1 or 2 liter glass jar or mason jar. Shred some cabbage and stuff as much as you can into the jar. Fill the jar with water and shut the lid on tight. Leave it outside the fridge. Wait 3 days. The cabbage should have a sour taste (not a rotten one - if prepared wrongly!). Drink 1/2 or 1 cup of the juice daily. Like yogurt, you can use 1/4 cup of the old batch as a starter for the next batch.
* [[Media:tea tree oil]] works antimicrobial
*Coconut oil Research in the Philippines by Dr Conrato S Dayrit says "coconut oil does have an anti-viral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients." Use it in daily cooking and take 6-12 tablespoons a day.
*Psyllium husk fiber is an excellent bowel cleanser. Psyllium husk normalizes bowel movement and absorbs toxins as it passes through the intestines.