

169 bytes added, 17:38, 15 December 2011
/* Special Precautions of Bananas */
==Special Precautions of Bananas==
* bananas have a high glycemic index (GI). Foods with a high GI can spike your blood sugar and cause insulin surges. That in turn can lead to increased fat production.
==The benefits of Bananas are==
* Against [[Anemia]]. Anemia is one of the most common blood disorders that results to the decline of red blood cell count. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting important nutrients and oxygen all throughout the body. The lack thereof could lead to poor tissue oxygenation and nutrition which can cause difficulty of breathing, weakness, easy fatigability and easy bruising, among others. Iron, which can be found in bananas, can help regulate these red blood cells. Bananas contain relatively large amounts of iron which helps in the production of RBCs and in stimulating the growth of hemoglobin in the body which can help in cases of anemia.