
Digestive Disorders

224 bytes added, 16:57, 6 January 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Eat a small salad with apple cider vinegar prior to eating your holiday meals. The enzymes in the greens help with digestion while the apple cider vinegar stimulates the body’s natural production of hydrochloric acid to aid protein digestion. Avoid apple cider vinegar if you have a stomach ulcer.
* First thing in the morning take a probiotic supplement. Choose a formula that contains a range of intestinal flora such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidus. By regulating intestinal flora, you will also regulate bowel movements and improve digestion.
* Daikon (Raphanus sativus) is a Japanese root vegetable belonging to the cabbage family. It is called Japanese radish, white radish or Oriental radish. It has traditionally been used to aid digestion and protect the liver.
== Warnings ==