
Digestive Disorders

201 bytes added, 17:51, 19 January 2012
/* Home remedies */
* First thing in the morning take a probiotic supplement. Choose a formula that contains a range of intestinal flora such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidus. By regulating intestinal flora, you will also regulate bowel movements and improve digestion.
* Daikon (Raphanus sativus) is a Japanese root vegetable belonging to the cabbage family. It is called Japanese radish, white radish or Oriental radish. It has traditionally been used to aid digestion and protect the liver.
* [[Bromelain]] is a popular natural digestive aid due to it's ability to digest proteins. It's used for bloating, gas and other digestive symptoms and for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
== Warnings ==