
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

3 bytes added, 17:50, 1 February 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Chiropractic may help to reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and improve function.
* Feldenkrais is a form of movement re-education. People are taught individually or in group sessions how to move their bodies more efficiently to improve their co-ordination, reduce joint stress and muscle strain, and improve flexibility.
* Hellerwork is a form of bodywork that has three main components: 1)deep tissue work - treatment usually begins with work on the soft tissues around the forearm and wrist.2)education about correct posture and movement, ergonomic assessment of the workstation (e.g. chair too low, monitor too high)3) dialogue to address emotions that lock muscles into "holding patterns" and affect breathing.
== Warnings ==