
Back Pain

1,301 bytes added, 07:18, 2 March 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Back pain may also be associated with the development of Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and Herniated Disks. Osteoarthritis is a condition which erodes the disks that normally serve as cushions between your vertebrae. Osteoporosis, on one hand, causes one’s bones to become brittle, making the bones more susceptible to fracture. Furthermore, as one continues to age, normal wear and tear may cause the disks in the vertebra to rupture or herniate. As a result, the herniated disk can impinge on nerves that are coming out from the spinal cord – and this produces pain. For conditions such as these, it is important that you seek the help of medical professionals such as Physical Therapists and Orthopedic doctors.
*Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that is commonly associated with painful ligaments, tendons and muscles, can be treated with acupuncture – a form of ancient medicine that makes use of needles. These needles are inserted and manipulated inside the body to help relieve pain.
*Aside from the back pain treatment methods mentioned, there are also essential oils that one can utilize for back pain relief. Also utilized as a form of aromatherapy, these oils contain medicinal properties which affects, not only the physical aspect of the person, but the mental aspect as well. The healing potential of these essential oils can be best achieved when they are used in massaging the back.
* Hot and Cold Therapy : The most common question when it comes to hot and cold therapy is which of the two is the best form of treatment. Applying an ice bag or a hot water bottle to an area actually does the same thing – they both break the cycle of pain and spasm and they both improve blood circulation to the area, which is essential in the healing process because blood carries with it oxygen and nutrients needed for healing. With back pain, it is important that the pain-spasm cycle is broken because only then can real healing take place.
* Calcium and vitamin D helps promote strong bones thereby reducing one’s risk for osteoporosis. Research studies have shown that people who are complaining of back pains and other musculoskeletal aches are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is important because it helps maintain healthy levels of phosphorus and calcium inside the body – minerals that are essential for strong and healthy bones and teeth.
* Rest and Sleep : Sufficient rest and sleep allows your body to heal. Remember that majority of the healing process takes place when you are asleep because this is the time when your body is in its most relaxed state.
* Herbs : If you go to a doctor, most likely, he or she will give you a prescription for pain killers. After all, pain killers are known to be very potent when the pain becomes too much to bear. However, bear in mind that these synthetic pharmaceutical products carry with them the possibility of adverse effects, and sometimes, they can actually do you more harm that good. Good thing is, numerous research studies have been conducted supporting the health claims of herbal products. For back pain, the following herbs may be utilized. They may target your muscles, nerves or your entire body system. Black Cohosh, Arnica, Teasel, Willow, Wintergreen, Aspen, Licorice, Ginger, Turmeric.
*Exercise: Exercises intended solely for the back muscles are done for strengthening and to help the affected individual gradually go back to performing activities of daily living. Examples of back exercises include heel slides, ankle pump, wall squats, straight leg raising, knee to chest exercise, and those that utilize an exercise ball. Although these exercises may be relatively simple to perform, it is important that you first seek the advice of professionals such as a qualified physical therapist or an orthopedic surgeon. These people would tell you how to do it right and how often to do the exercises.
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