

10 bytes added, 12:54, 4 April 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Salmon and other cold water fish are rich in vitamin B12. The nutrient has a mood-elevating effect and it would be a good meal after a long day at work or a few hours in the gym.
* [[Bananas]] contain an amino acid called tryptophan (can also be found in turkeys) which can lead to an improved mood.
*SAMe[[SAM-e]]: Short for S-adenosylmethionine, this naturally occurring compound in your body helps boost brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine; low levels of both are implicated in causes of depression. Research shows SAMe is as effective as many antidepressant meds.* [[Asparagus ]] possess antidepressant and aphrodisiac qualities.
* The carbohydrates from oatmeal, when digested by the body, results to the production and delivery of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain. Tryptophan will then stimulate the production of a neurotransmitter called serotonin which results to a feeling of peacefulness and being able to better cope with things.
* Don't take life to serious ! <br>
*Rhodiola is effective in treating: [[Fatigue]], Poor attention span, Decreased memory, Low productivity, Concentration problems -- or "brain fog", Generalized weakness, Stress, Depression.
* [[Saffron]], a popular Middle Eastern spice, may be effective for treating mild to moderate depression
* [[Melissa]]helps to improve levels of relaxation and better the mood.
* [[Bacopa]] is used to treat depression.
* [[Mangosteen]] could eventually be used to treat depression ... [[Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)]]... and social phobias.