
Mind/Body Approaches

3,362 bytes added, 17:42, 10 April 2012
/* The benefits of Mind/Body Approaches are */
Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
==The benefits of Mind/Body Approaches are==
A good website The two mental /emotional causes of cancer are acute high stress traumatic shocks and chronic long term negative stress called distress. Traumatic shocks, which are totally unexpected, cause a mind, brain and body reaction that discusses this is at: http:can trigger the formation of cancer. With spirituality and by knowing how to prepare for shocksone can either prevent or heal the emotional root of cancer. The first mental//wwwemotional cause of cancer is chronic distress or negative stress that causes the hormone cortisol to go out of balance and weaken the immune system.ahealthThis opens the door to cancer The second type of stress that can stimulate cancer formation is emotional traumatic shock. Many cancers can be linked to an emotional trauma one to two years before the onset of the cancer. One of the most successful mind/cqacbody treatments is German New Medicine (GNM). In GNM these traumatic shocks actually cause a lesion in a very specific area the brain (which can be seen on a CT scan) which corresponds to a very specific organ, gland or tissue in the body. In a sense the unexpected shock blows a fuse in the brain which causes a stress response in an associated organ which we know as cancer. In GNM each type of cancer is associated with a particular area in the brain that also correlates to a particular emotion or thought, hence the true brain, mind, emotion, body connection. == Emotional causes that can trigger cancer == • Loss of spouse (divorce or death) or loss of child (separation or death) can trigger breast cancer• Fear of death (including the shock of being diagnosed with cancer) can trigger lung cancer• Loss of territory (wife leaves or man loses his job) can trigger prostate cancer• Failure to let go of some past issue can trigger colon cancer• Failure to accept the situation can trigger stomach cancer The first way to prevent cancer from an emotional shock is to see everything in one's life from a spiritual perspective. A relationship with God should empower one no matter what happens in one's life. If a woman unexpectedly gets divorced by her husband, this is a shock to her system causing her to question her value, but if she is confident in who she is and trusts God for her future, then she will rise out of that trauma better then when she went into it. She has grown stronger in her relationship with herself and with God. This is better than staying stuck in the "why me" mindset which causes more stress and more disease promotion. Things do not just happen; they have a purpose to mature one in one's life journey. Situations that come into one's life are not meant to just leave so that one can get back to where one was but instead to make one better and grow one stronger than one ever was. The second way comes from being prepared. A prepared person contemplates all possibilities in their life so they expect the best but are ready for the worst. If the doctor diagnoses one with terminal cancer, rather than just accepting this situation as final, it's better to seek the truth that can set you free. Many people have healed cancer with alternative cancer treatment when there was no hope medically. To prevent emotional trauma one must change one's perception of the event. There is a saying "whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right." If one sees the situation as a weight to grow one stronger, then stronger one will become in body, mind and spirit.html 
Imagery (e.g., visualizing your white blood cells gobbling up the cancer