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/* Home remedies */
* fruit pectin and grape juice can relieve joint pain, and reduce swelling and stiffness. Pectin is found in the cells of many plants and acts as a thickener in preparations such as jellies. Grape juice is loaded with antioxidants, among them, anthocyanins, noted for its effect on reducing inflammation.
* Nettle leaf, also known as "stinging nettles," is an herb that has long been used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation. Rich in natural boron, silicon, and other minerals, nettle has been shown in a number of studies to effectively treat all forms of arthritis, as well as tendinitis and bursitis. Nettle leaf can also be made into a topical cream useful in relieving arthritis symptoms externally.
* Cantaloupe : Just a cup or 160 grams of the rich flavored and sweet aroma cantaloupe can already provide 108 percent of the daily value of vitamin A. Cantaloupe is also rich in vitamin C, which can almost provide 100 percent of the required daily allowance. Potassium, folate, magnesium and B-vitamins are all found in cantaloupe. Not only will you get vitamins and minerals, but cantaloupe is low in calories. Because of its vitamin A content, cantaloupe is implicated in several eye disorders. Studies have shown that those who eat large amounts of cantaloupe regularly are more likely not to develop cataracts; this is due to the beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A for good eyesight. But cantaloupe is more than the eyesight; it is also good in fighting arthritis. The rich antioxidant substances in the fruit can actually help the joints in fighting the substances that destroy the cartilage causing arthritis. By eating the sliced cantaloupe directly or processing it to make a puree, you can already be assured that you are protected from the ill effects of arthritis.
*Blueberries : Compared to other fruits, blueberry has low amounts of vitamin C, but the fruit is highly rich in vitamin K and phytonutrients that are considered to be antioxidants. Anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids and flavonols are what blueberries are rich of. Blueberries are beneficial for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and those who have problems balancing the levels of their blood sugar and insulin. But blueberries are also good for those suffering from arthritis. When the joint is subjected to increasing pressure due to usage, there is increase in oxidative stress. The more the oxidative stress, the more the body releases substances that destroy the cartilage. With phytonutrients, they eradicate the substances that thrive on healthy tissues. By increasing the amounts of blueberry in the diet, healthy tissues, such as the cartilage, are protected and arthritis is prevented.
*Kiwifruit is the first fruit remembered when discussing fruits found in New Zealand. A piece of kiwi weighing about 74 grams can already provide 120 percent of the required daily allowance for vitamin C. Any food highly rich in vitamin C is said to be beneficial is preventing the inflammatory process. This is due to vitamin C’s ability to scavenge on free radicals. When the joints are under oxidative stress due to over usage, free radicals increase. When there is accumulation of free radicals, tissues are destroyed and will cause inflammation. By eating away the free radicals, the body, particularly the joints, is protected from debilitating diseases, such as arthritis.
== Warnings ==