

45 bytes added, 15:25, 4 May 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, hazelnut, flax seed, chia seed, pumpkin seed, poppy seed, walnut, sunflower sprouts.
* Fish: sardine, salmon, mackerel, and deep/cold-water fish.
* Herbs: Hawthorne berry, dandelion root, burdock root, chaparral, peppermint (for heart palpitations and strengthening heart muscle), cayenne pepper, ginger, rhubarb root, yarrow, chamomile, motherwort, valerian, coriander, cinnamon, basil, Fenugreek Seeds.
* Oils: Naturally you will want to avoid the so-called “bad saturated fats” and focus on getting a balance of the “good fats”, such as the Omega-9, Olive, Hazelnut, Almond and Sesame oils; and the Omega-3 and 6, Walnut and Grapeseed oils. It has been proven that a balanced intake of Omega-3 and 6 oils along with high levels of Omega-9 significantly reduce the risk of dying from a cardiovascular related disease.
* A clinical trial showed that red yeast rice lowered bad cholesterol as effectively as a prescription statin.