

15 bytes added, 08:38, 17 May 2012
(methyl-sulfonyl methane)<br>
See also : *[[DMSO and MSM]]* [[Sulfur]]
==Special Precautions of MSM==
We have come across a few people who do not seem to be able to take MSM at all or who are very sensitive to it. They have reported stomach upset, an acidic feeling, headaches and general upset. With most people, this is probably because they started taking too much for their system to handle without experiencing detoxification effects; and that amount cannot be gauged in milligrams. It is unique to and dependent on the individual. For these reasons, we suggest that you start out taking very small quantities and increase the amounts that you ingest slowly over a week or two or more. Our suggestions on how to begin taking MSM are detailed a few sections farther on under the title "MSM - How Much is Enough?".