

156 bytes added, 08:55, 17 May 2012
* The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox - Traced to the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine, this program eliminates all acidic foods to help the body eliminate toxin build up. It supposedly alters the body's PH balance to its ideal alkaline state.
*Colon Detox diet - Constipation is a sign of an overloaded colon that needs to be addressed immediately. This Detox regimen may take about seven to ten days and will involve any of the following methods: taking lots of freshly juiced vegetables, water and soup and using an enema or a laxative. Like any other diet, excess can lead to electrolyte imbalance. The benefits of this diet, however, promise an improved energy level and a healthy immune system.
* [[Cilantro]]: Excellent for detoxing mercury, which has permeated our environment to the point where it is even in most of our teeth as amalgam fillings.