

1,267 bytes added, 05:01, 25 May 2012
/* The benefits of Rosemary are */
==Special Precautions of Rosemary==
==The benefits of Rosemary are==
This pine-like herb does more than just spice up a roast of beef, * it offers anti-inflammatory protection to the delicate human brain. Research proves rosemary’s ability to increase blood flow to the head and brain, thereby improving concentration. Historically, herbalists have used rosemary * Memory and mood : Rosemary is shown to strengthen enhance memorythrough the herb's culinary use; its extract by means of reducing acetylcholinesterase; and by inhalation of its oil vapors. One interesting study verified that olfactory stimulation of rosemary increased saliva free radical scavenging activity and decreased saliva cortisol levels. A waft of rosemary may even elevate your mood.* In England, rosemary’s memory strengthening ability was translated to mean that it would improve fidelity. As a result it was often given as a gift for the bride or groom as part of their wedding ceremony. Perhaps the gift-giver thought the herb would help the newlywed remember his or her vows. Add rosemary * Curb cancer : When it comes to meat dishes or chop finely cancer, rosemary extract proves promising for colon, stomach, breast, liver, ovary, melanoma, and add to breadleukemia. Carnosic acid, bunsderived from rosemary, or savory baked goodsstimulates cancer cell apoptosis (cell death), and down regulates cancer cell COX-2 expression. There’s nothing as yummy as a still warmIt is also is found to be anti-angiogenic, freshly baked slowing tumor growth and metastasis.* insect repellent : Rosemary oil or rosemary scone extract may be natural repellent solutions, with teaborneol and camphor as the active components. One study that demonstrates rosemary's effectiveness uses approximately 2 tablespoons of freshly minced rosemary leaves to about 1 cup of water. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours and filter out the leaves. Pour the water into a spray bottle and use on the skin as necessary. This cheap, natural alternative was found to provide better protection time and repellency than that of two other natural based brands.* Rosemary extract may optimize cholesterol levelsBoosting your mental acuity and brain power * modulate blood sugar levels* help to promote weight loss. * The ethanol extract can be as easy as eating Indian curriesused topically for pain. The oil is shown to be antibacterial, rosemary biscuitsanti-inflammatory, and drinking fresh ginger teasupportive of wound healing. Or supplement with ginkgo * Rosemary oil and vinpocetine to improve your brain healthextract may also be useful in balding, maintaining youthful looking skin.* reducing heterocyclic amines when cooking food at high temperatures.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]