

27 bytes added, 17:45, 31 May 2012
/* Special Precautions of Arnica */
Arnica is a plant genus of about 30 perennials belonging to the Asteraceae, commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, or sunflower family.One of its species, Arnica montana, has been used as a natural healing herb for centuries. Montana refers to this daisy-like species growing habitat in the mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere, primarily Europe.
==Special Precautions of Arnica==
Arnica is generally safe when used on skin, although it should not be used near the eyes, on wounds, or broken skin. Some are sensitive to arnica and should stop using it if a rash or other allergic symptoms occur.Do not use on open wounds
Long term use may cause eczema, peeling, blisters, or other skin conditions.
Check with you doctor before using arnica if pregnant or breast feeding.
==The benefits of Arnica are==
Arnica has been used to help the healing of many conditions: